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IRC Seminar : NHS Quicker - A Platform for Delivering 'Digital Nudges' to inform Attendance Choices for Urgent Care

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Event information
Date 11 February 2019
Time 12:30-14:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Venue Henley Business School, Whiteknights Campus


Navonil (Nav) Mustafee has research interests in Hybrid Systems Modelling (application of simulation with the wider Operational Research techniques like problem structuring methods, game theory and forecasting), Multi-Methodology/Hybrid Simulation (combined application of two or more simulation techniques) and Serious Games. He uses techniques like Discrete-Event, Agent-Based and Spreadsheet/Monte Carlo simulation, and has applied them in the context of healthcare operations management, supply chains, and engineering asset maintenance. His healthcare research is with stakeholders from the UK National Health Service (NHS); he is an honorary researcher at Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.

Nav has a BA degree from Calcutta University, an MSc with distinction in Distributed Systems and a PhD in Information Systems and Computing, both from Brunel University. His MSc/PhD research focussed on the application of distributed systems, including Desktop Grid Computing, to execute large and complex simulations in healthcare, banking and the auto industry. Some of this work involved inter-operability and the reuse of simulation models through Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS) principles, standards (IEEE 1516 High Level Architecture) and software (Run-Time Infrastructure). Previous experience includes working as a research fellow in Warwick Business School, Brunel (in an EU-funded project on e-Science and e-Infrastructures – BELIEF-II) and a Lectureship in Swansea University. Read more at http://business-school.exeter....

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