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Peter Scott and James Walker will give a presentation during the International Business and Strategy research seminar series on 3rd October

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Event information
Date 2 October 2018
Time 12:00-13:30 (Timezone: Europe/London)

Peter Scott and James Walker are giving a seminar presentation during the International Business and Strategy lunchtime seminar series on 3rd October, at 13.00-14.30 in room 108, Henley Business School.

Presentation title:

The comfortable, the rich, and the super-rich. What really happened to top British incomes during the first half of the twentieth century?


We examine shifts in British income inequality and their causes between 1911 and 1949. Newly re-discovered Inland Revenue 1911 estimates and more detailed data from subsequent official income distribution enquiries are used to show that income was substantially more concentrated at the top of the income distribution in 1911 than previous estimates suggest, and that the top 1 per cent were the principal “losers” in the subsequent trend towards reduced income inequality. We find that this trend reflected a sharp decline in top “unearned” incomes - paralleling the findings of Piketty and Saez for France and the USA. This explains the paradox between the observed reduction in British income inequality and the lack of evidence for any substantial redistribution of income between salary and wage-earners.