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WIL Forum - The Side Hustle Economy: Working for Women? (London)

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Event information
Date 22 January 2019
Time 14:30-19:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Venue EY

Henley Business School’s Naeema Pasha, Director of Careers and Founder of WOW - the Henley World of Work initiative and Professor Bernd Vogel, Founding Director Henley Centre for Leadership, Professor of Leadership will kick off the event by sharing insights based on data about the side hustle economy and examine how this may impact on the present and future role of women in leadership. Drawing amongst other sources on the recent Work 2028 research report, they will explore projections for the future of leadership and how different genders might experience the side hustle economy as enabling or limiting their leadership journey.

We look forward to an interactive session with a series of activities that will allow the participants to delve further into what this may mean for them personally in very practical terms. Explore this from the perspective of an established or aspiring female side hustler, or through the lens of a non-side hustler in a work environment and the view of employers as facilitators, ambassadors or preventers of side hustles.

Following an extensive networking break, during the latter half of the afternoon we will explore the issues in a panel discussion, with panel members sharing their inside views and experiences from pursuing multiple jobs, before the conversation is opened up to the audience to allow us to expand and discuss the views of the panel speakers. Our goal for this Women in Leadership Forum event is to offer you food for thought and inspire action.

Tickets are priced at £25 for alumni, £35 for guests and £15 for current Henley Business School and University of Reading students. As usual, we look forward to welcoming both women and men to this Women in Leadership Forum event.

Programme outline:
14:30 Arrivals and Registration
15:00 Research update and workshop
16:15 Networking Coffee Break
16:45 Expert Panel Discussion
18:00 Networking Drinks Reception
19:00 Event Close

Venue: EY, 1 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AF
Nearest tube station: London Bridge

We thank EY for hosting this Women in Leadership Forum event at their offices in London.

More on the Women in Leadership Forum:

Since its launch in November 2014, The Henley Women in Leadership Forum has had a series of very successful events in and around London. The forum is an initiative to support Henley’s entire community to understand and contribute to the debates and challenges around women at all stages of their careers in achieving their ambitions and potential and to support them through a variety of mechanisms to become great professionals and outstanding business leaders. It is intended to enable participants to develop practical solutions for their organisations and improve their own skill set through shared knowledge and networking.

You can find more information about who helps to run the Women in Leadership Forum by visiting the Women in Leadership Forum Committee page, or you can find more information about the activities of the Women in Leadership Forum by visiting the Women in Leadership Forum Hub.

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