Heads Together and Row: Day 12

We've received a couple of emails from Heads Together and Row, who are now into Day 12 of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge and are in good spirits! Here are a few words from Toby:
"We have turned a corner! Literally we have come far enough south to start heading WSW and that's a big motivational milestone. We know we're at the back of the main pack of fours but not particularly fussed. Actually quite pleased given we're in a pure class boat so less wind advantage and we're not the youngest, most experienced or fittest crew! Also the seasickness has pretty much gone. That means we can eat properly and not suffer the drowsiness or hallucinations over the long night shifts. Actually I found last night quite nice although slow-going as the wind had dropped completely.
So as a crew we're in good spirits and much more looking forward to the crazy adventure ahead. It's a long way to Antigua, lots of things will go wrong and scare the hell out of us but we'll get through it together - we're all in the same boat! We're about 24 hours in to talking through our lives which is nice - up to late teens/early 20s now...exciting times to reflect on!
I desperately miss Theo [Toby's son] and want to see and hug him. His picture keeps me going in the dark hours.
Betty, our friendly bird, still visits a few times day and night (yes we know it's almost certainly not the same bird but don't spoil our illusions!). We also saw a lot of fish flapping on the surface yesterday eve then a daunting looking fin appear through them. Not going in to clean the boat at feeding time!
All still tired and emotional at times but to be expected and we're now able to count down the miles to Antigua. Confident we'll pick up trade winds soon and start to accelerate...!
Here's a photo of Jez and Ali with the comms kit the team are using to keep in touch with us.
We've also received the following from stand-up comedian Justin:
"On the subject of hallucinations...
Most of our sleeping is done in the bow cabin. Just outside is a small area for cooking and cleaning. It's a safe haven away from the rowing.
Ever since we've been on board I've been convinced that this is somehow detached from the boat and is actually a large patio area with palm trees and a heater.
My disappointment on waking each morning to find it's actually still two square feet of damp rowing boat is acute.
Also, there are people on the floor above the stern cabin having a very nice soiree. I have yet to be invited. As their nearest neighbour I find this very rude."
As of 1600 GMT on day 12, here’s how the team are getting on:
Position: 22 degrees 45.12 N, 026 degrees 39.57 W
Speed/Direction: 1.4 knots @ 279 degrees
Distance rowed: 637 Nautical Miles (733 Miles)
Distance to go: 2005.6 Nautical Miles (2308 Miles)
13th in Fours crews
17th overall
Henley Business School is working with Heads Together and Row on a research project looking at individual and team resilience. Click here to find out more.
Published | 23 December 2018 |
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