Heads Together and Row: Day 4

Day 4 at sea for Heads Together and Row, and they continue to make steady progress in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2018.
We heard from the team yesterday about how they have been coping so far, but to give you a bit more of an idea about what life is like in the first week of the race, and how the crews are faring, here's what the safety officers had to say this week:
"It is a relatively fast but steady start and reports from the crews are good. Many crews are reporting minor seasickness and aches and pains as they adapt to life on a rowing boat but no significant concerns at this time from a race safety viewpoint.
"The first week is the toughest. Day one is adrenaline fuelled but through day two and three rowers become increasingly tired, sore, sea sick and sometimes a bit dehydrated - sometimes even doubting themselves. By day five things start to feel better and by day seven everything is routine. They expect this but it can still be tough for them.
"It is interesting to see the route choices. Leading now means very little as taking the shortest route can often mean less favourable conditions as the faster winds and sea conditions are further south. We continue to monitor and speak with crews to ensure all is well and choices of route are well thought out."

Photo of the crew: Ben Duffy/Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge
As of 1600 GMT on day 4, here’s how the team are getting on:
Position: 26 degrees 23.30 N, 019 degrees 25.20 W
Speed/Direction: 1.5 knots @ 206 degrees
Distance to go: 2415.4 Nautical Miles (2779.5 Miles)
12th in Fours crews
16th overall
Henley Business School is working with Heads Together and Row on a research project looking at individual and team resilience. Click here to find out more.
Published | 15 December 2018 |
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