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Heads Together and Row complete the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2018

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They've battled sea sickness, sleep deprivation, sore bums and sizeable waves, and after 50 days, 22 hours and 38 minutes at sea, Heads Together and Row have crossed the finish line of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2018.

Toby, Alison, Justin and Jeremy completed the 3,000-mile ocean row at around 10.30am UK time today, reaching Antigua just over seven weeks after setting off from the Canary Islands on December 12.

During their time at sea they rowed in shifts around the clock, carrying all of their food and equipment on board, and celebrating Christmas and New Year on the waves. They've had wildlife encounters, technical failures, spent a day on the para-anchor due to bad weather, seen the super moon and even enjoyed the occasional swim - while cleaning barnacles off the boat's bottom.


As the crew's headline partner, Henley Business School is working with them on academic research into individual and team resilience. The study, which began around a year ago and has included regular video diaries while they were at sea, is due to be published in late Spring.

Dr Caroline Rook, Lecturer in Leadership at Henley who is leading the research, said:

“Levels of individual and team resilience are likely to determine who succeeds and who fails in the dynamic and competitive world of work. To lay the groundwork for further research on this topic at Henley Business School, I am working with Heads Together and Row to explore how their resilience changed throughout the rowing challenge, and what the key personal and team factors were in showing continued performance over a long period of time in very challenging circumstances.”


As their name suggests the team are raising funds and awareness for the Heads Together campaign charities Mind and Combat Stress, and the Marine Conservation Society – visit their website here to find out how you can support them.

They were the 17th team to finish the race of 28 who started - although one was forced to pull out early on for technical reasons.


On behalf of everyone at Henley, we send them huge congratulations on their achievement and look forward to hearing more about their adventures when they return home.


Read more of their updates from during their time at sea here.

Photos: Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge

Published 1 February 2019
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