Heads Together and Row: Looking at the bigger picture

Here are some more musings from Heads Together and Row crew member Justin, who this week took a look at the bigger picture and found it wasn't quite as reassuring as he might have hoped...
How to freak out an ocean rower.
Other than missing home and all its comforts dreadfully I’m doing ok on the ocean.
I have a good routine in place, am eating and drinking well and sleeping as much as possible.
I’m bearing up well physically and my mental health is surprisingly buoyant.
I feel quite at home among the vicissitudes and sharp edges (literal and metaphorical) of our boat.
Other than my three crew mates I haven’t spoken to anyone face to face for over three weeks. And as a naturally unsocial person that’s fine.
My world is the boat, my crew mates and the horizon. About two miles away on a good day. It’s all very self contained.
Then yesterday I made the mistake of enlarging our GPS map.
Look where we are. Right in the middle of the Atlantic. Miles from anywhere.
It was properly unnerving. I needed a large dollop of peanut butter and a Bounty to restore my equilibrium.
No more looking at the big picture for me. I’ll stick to my two-mile horizons and enjoy my safe space until I get to Antigua.
Published | 4 January 2019 |
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