Heads Together and Row: The Ballad of Betty the Bird

Today's update is dedicated to a publicity-shy member of the Heads Together and Row crew, who we've come to know as Betty the Bird.
Those of you who have been following our daily posts will know that Betty has been visiting the team regularly since around day two or three of their Atlantic crossing (you can read their first reference to her visits here on day six).
They say she visits a few times on most days to say hello and fly alongside them for a while, but they have no idea what species their feathered friend belongs to and, unfortunately, she has so far managed to avoid the camera.
Based on a description given by Toby in his Captain's Log post, we initially thought she could be a Great Shearwater, but we're no experts...
Can you help the team identify their bird buddy? Here's that description again: "About 6-8 inches long from nose to tip, brown with some white back feathers just behind the wings and a kind of hooked nose."
Let us know!
In the meantime - and in keeping with their new-found love of poetry, Toby has written an ode to Betty, which you can read below.
(No birds were harmed in the making of this limerick...)
As of 0800 GMT on day 24, here’s how the team are getting on:
Position: 19 degrees 15.63 N, 034 degrees 54.74 W
Speed/Direction: 2.3 knots @ 254 degrees
Distance rowed: 1179 Nautical Miles (1356 Miles)
Distance to go: 1527 Nautical Miles (1757 Miles)
12th in Fours crews
16th overall
Henley Business School is working with Heads Together and Row on a research project looking at individual and team resilience. Click here to find out more.
Published | 4 January 2019 |
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