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Henley sponsors JIBS Paper Development Workshop


The online workshop, which is part of the pre-conference programme for the Academy of International Business (AIB) 2021 annual conference, will be held in June. The workshop aims to provide junior scholars with developmental feedback on their current research papers in international business, to improve the quality of research and to bring new scholars successfully into the field.

Henley’s sponsorship of the workshop allows the funding of scholarships for conference registration to promising junior scholars from developing and emerging economies who have been accepted to participate in the workshop.

At the workshop successful applicants will receive extensive feedback on their papers from JIBS editors on how to improve the probability of acceptance by a journal. Participants will also receive presentations by JIBS editors on relevant topics such as publication ethics and data practices.

The deadline for paper submissions is Monday 15 March 2021. For more details on how to apply please visit the AIB website.

Published 25 February 2021
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