Dr Can Ererdi
Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Research Methods

- Leadership,
- Human Resource Management,
- Future of Work
Dr Can Ererdi is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Research Methods at Henley Business School and a member of the Henley Centre for Leadership.
Can holds a PhD in Organisational Behaviour from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and an MSc in International Management from Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ESADE) in Barcelona, Spain. His PhD research explored the effects of different levels of autocratic leadership behaviour on employees. The research discovered the emotional, cognitive and behavioural outcomes of autocratic leadership, also considering the contextual factors such as leader-member exchange social comparison and perceived support of the organisation by the employee.
His research interests lie in the relationship of the dark side of leadership (e.g. autocratic leadership behaviour and directive styles of leadership) and employee emotions and behaviours. His other areas of research focus include intersection of work and family (i.e. family supportive supervisor behaviours, work-life balance), innovative and individualised human resource management practices (i.e. flexible work practices, idiosyncratic deals) and international human resource management.
He has presented his research in various international conferences, such as the British Academy of Management (BAM), the Academy of Management (AOM) and 8th and 9th International Conferences of Work and Family, among others. He is a reviewer for Human Relations and the International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Can ErerdiDeveloping Professional Excellence
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Most recent news & media
- Leadership
- Human Resource Management
- Future of Work
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