Dr Cristian Luise
Lecturer in International Business and Strategy
Assistant Director of the The John H Dunning Centre for International Business

- International Business,
- Strategy,
- Organizational Theory,
- Political Economy,
Cristian Luise is a Lecturer in International Business and Strategy at Henley Business School and Assistant Director of the John H Dunning Centre for International Business.
Before joining Henley Business School, Cristian worked as a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professorat Cà Foscari University of Venice. He is currently an Associate Fellow of the National University Centre for Applied Economic Studies (CiMET).
He holds a PhD in International Business from the University of Leeds.
Cristian’s research spans the fields of International Business Strategy, Organizational Theory and Political Economy. He is combining these three fields to develop a theoretical framework that explains the governance of viable resource and wealth creation and its distribution. Production, governance and microfoundational theories are essential parts of his research. This theoretical platform is being supported empirically in the context of multinational foreign market entry; production; and system/global governance within infrastructure, health care and education industries. Lastly, Cristian is involved in projects that aim at improving methodological rigor in research.
Before joining Henley Business School, Cristian taught modules on International Business, Economic Development and Research Methods at BSc and MSc level. While at the Cà Foscari University of Venice, he developed a BSc module on port economics and management and led a research project on the Italian port industry and its involvement with the Belt and Road Initiative.
- International Business
- Strategy
- Organizational Theory
- Political Economy
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