Jeanette Garwood
Visiting Tutor
Jeanette began her career as a research assistant in Experimental Psychology at Oxford University, after gaining a BSc in Psychology at UCL. Going on to undertake an MSc in Cognitive Science and Natural Language Processing from Edinburgh, Jeanette took an early interest in the strengths and weaknesses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). At Oxford she worked in human neuropsychology, and human factors in early expert systems, whilst researching for her D.Phil. part-time as a staff registered student.
Jeanette’s first post doctorate was at Manchester Victoria University, in human factors and ageing populations, before gaining her first teaching post at Manchester Polytechnic (Now Manchester Metropolitan). Jeannette went on join the Health and Safety Executive Labs in Sheffield as a Higher Psychologist, working in the behavioural toxicology group. From there she moved back to teaching at the University of Huddersfield, teaching a variety of topics but specialising in Biopsychology, and research methods and statistics. Later Jeanette moved to Leeds Metropolitan University, specialising in Biopsychology and Investigative and Criminal Psychology, the subject of her next MSc.
In 2016 Jeanette returned to full-time studies at the Leeds University Business School to study Organisational Psychology. A few opportunities arose for consulting, and since 2018 Jeanette has worked as a researcher, and a supervisor of MSc and MBA projects for different Schools of Business and Management across the UK. Jeanette especially likes working with adult returners: she believes we each have so much to gain from working together to make those final projects and dissertations work for practice and application.
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