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Dr Sahar Omary Barghouthi

Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour

Sahar Omary Photo


  • Personal Development, 
  • Organisational Behaviour, 
  • Leadership, 
  • Human Resources Management and Development, 
  • Careers


Edith Morley building room 262, Whiteknights campus

Dr Sahar Omary Barghouthi is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at Henley Business School.

Sahar's research interests are the topics of personal develoment, learning and adaptability. She has a passion for development and learning, with the aim of understanding how individuals develop, and her research investigates personal development in careers and educational contexts. Her PhD research focused on career adaptability development and the lived experiences of postgarduate students.

Sahar currently is a module convenor for Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Managment and Entrepreneural Leadership. Her teaching covers undergraduate and postgraduate modules in organisational behaviour, business administration and the Degree Apprenticeship programme.

Managing work and people: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Mgt

Module code: MM297

Entrepreneurial Leadership

This module introduces students to the characteristics and skills that underpin Entrepreneurial Leadership. Using scholarly literature and case studies this module discusses how this form of leadership is applied in...

Module code: MMM128