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Digital Talent Academy

Digital Talent Academy (DTA) at Henley is an organisation specialised in providing ICT related training and consultancy to diverse customers. The organisation aims to empower individuals and organisations with better leadership and talents in digital transformation.


“We are aiming to enhance digital competencies and employability of university graduates and individuals through training in digital technical and problem-solving skills; and to provide digital and management training and consultancy to organisations locally and globally”

Training Programmes

DTA provides three divisions of product and services.

Attendees who successfully complete the courses will receive certificates authorised by Henley Business School and other business partners.

Please click here to view our successful cases.

DTA Awards

  • 1st WEU Regional AwardsCeremony held in UK at Universityof Reading, 2018
  • Best Performing Huawei ICT Academy", worldwide, continuously, 2019-2021
  • First IASC in WEU, 2021
  • Excellent Global Talent Ecosystem Partner, 2022

Latest News

Contact us

Jin Jin

Executive Director of Digital Talent Academy

Telephone: 01183788873