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Henley Forum Harnessing your network potential


All three networks are interdependent and important to get work done. However, before we can harness their potential, we first need to understand them. Networks and relationships in organisations emerge organically. Leaders cannot control the optimal design of these networks, but they can develop capabilities in securing and sustaining them. How might the formal organisational structure support and activate the informal organisational structure?

  • We will kickoff with a workshop on understanding the three types of networks and their significance in organisations (open to all Henley Forum members)
  • We will conduct a detailed organisational network analysis to identify how networks emerge and what supports them (we’re looking for 2 organisations to take a deeper dive)
  • We will explore leadership tools and skills that will help you build and activate networks in your organisation (open to all Henley Forum members)

For more information and how you can participate, contact Dr Divyata Sohal:
