Predictive healthcare data analytics and artificial intelligence for clinical and operational intelligence
The aim of this project is to analyse large data sets and help develop predictive analytics methods to improve the NHS’s ability to anticipate disease and financial risks as well as social economics influences.
Big data mining and AI holds great potential for the healthcare industry to enable health systems to systematically use data and analytics to identify inefficiencies and best practices that improve care and reduce costs. The project aims to analyse enormous data sets and develop predictive analytics methods, to generate new knowledge which improves the NHS’s ability to anticipate disease and financial risks as well as social economics influences.
This project is built on partnership between University of Reading and Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. This is an exciting project combining academic and industrial challenges to tackle complex intellectual and practical aspects of healthcare data and contribute to the application in real predictive clinical decision support.
Authors | Professor Weizi (Vicky) Li |
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