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Fostering Freedom: How to Coach Self-Organising Teams – and Pitfalls to Avoid - Lazaro Wolf

Lazaro Wolf 27 November 2025
Event information
Date 27 November 2025
Time 12:30-13:30 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Price £44.99 Incl VAT (FREE to Coaching Centre Members)
Venue Online
Event types:
Webinars Accredited


What does freedom truly mean in modern organisations? How are decisions actually made where autonomy is more crucial now than ever? How can you coach leaders and their teams to embrace this liberating way of working?

Rigid hierarchies have led to a lost ‘passion’ for work and Lazaro Wolf dives into this topic to reignite your enthusiasm and transform your organisation into an empowered, flatter structure where freedom thrives. Discover how you can unlock the key attributes of autonomy, avoid traditional coaching pitfalls and harness your team’s ‘hive mind’ without creating dependencies.

Join us for actionable insights on fostering ‘togetherness’, amplifying collaboration and driving meaningful change.


By attending this event live, you will receive 1 CCEU unit from the ICF and 1 CPD hour from the AC.

Lazaro Wolf

Lazaro Wolf

Lazaro is an award-winning enterprise coach (ICF and EMCC), helping organisations reinvent their culture and thrive in a world in constant motion. Passionate yet pragmatic about change, he addresses the hardest part of transformations: persuading people to change themselves – their attitudes, behaviours, and mindset.

As the co-founder of FLUX, a boutique consultancy specialising in self-organisation, he has delivered mission-critical transformations worldwide, empowering people to co-create their future.

A doctoral researcher at Henley Business School, Lazaro explores how team coaching fosters more democratic and collective forms of leadership.

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