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Real Estate & Planning Research Seminar by Prof. Elisabete Silva from the University of Cambridge - Title “Emotional Cities: how our built environment has a word to say on what we are and what we become”

Elisabete Silva Image DSC 0427
Event information
Date 9 March 2022
Time 13:00-14:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Venue Henley Business School
Event types:

This is a Seminar being held internally within Henley Business School, however if you would like to attend this Event (online or in person) please contact the Real Estate & Planning Deparrtment Office at :

“Emotional Cities: how our built environment has a word to say on what we are and what we become” by Prof. Elisabete Silva, from the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge.


The eMOTIONAL Cities research focusing on the signals triggered in our neurobiological architecture, responsible for emotions and decisions, while humans interact with the urban environment, will shed light on how to improve population health, physical and/or mental. In the presentation I will focus on the initial work we already developed in this project: initial mapping ok key variables and policies, new data collection and analysis. For more information on this H2020 project please see the following link: Homepage - eMOTIONAL Cities (


Web: Professor Elisabete A Silva | Department of Land Economy (

GoogleScholar: ‪Elisabete A. Silva - ‪Google Scholar