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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Creative Industries: Toward Sustainable Recovery and Inclusive Growth International Policy Forum

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Event information
Date 23 October 2023
Time 9:00-17:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Venue Online
Event types:

The forum will bring together creative artists, researchers, freelancers and policymakers from the UK, Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan to share the research results and practical implications, as well as establish a dialogue between all stakeholders. The forum will be held on the 23 October 2023 at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey.

The event will be held as a hybrid forum, with stakeholders from Turkey attending the forum in person and stakeholders from Kazakhstan and the UK joining online via Microsoft Teams. The language of the forum will be English, with translation into Turkish.

This project is the continuation of the development of the impact case on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the creative industries in the Euro-Asian region. The forum is supported by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Reading's Impact Accelerator project.