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MSc programme receives CIPD re-accreditation


We are pleased to announce that our Masters in International Human Resource Management has been re-accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Accreditation means that students who successfully complete all academic requirements are eligible to become associate members of the professional body, which provides them the option of upgrading to full membership once they have appropriate work experience.

Since the start of the year, Henley's Masters in International Human Resource Management has been subject to a process of re-accreditation. In consultation with colleagues, the programme has been reviewed to ensure it meets the requirements of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development's (CIPD) new Profession Map. This has resulted in some changes to core and optional modules and some revisions to module learning outcomes. You can view the modules on the programme webpage.

The revised programme specification and underlying mapping was submitted to the CIPD in April and was been successfully re-accredited earlier this month. This week, the University's UPB validated the changes, approving a September 2022 roll out.

Speaking about the re-accreditation, Dr Elizabeth Houldsworth, Programme Director, said:

"This is excellent news as it supports our students with their employability and guarantees the relevance of the curriculum to real world practice. The timing of the re-accreditation is also very appropriate as it is 10 years in September since the MSc IHRM was first accredited."

To find out more, contact Elizabeth Houldsworth.

Published 15 July 2022
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