- Big Data and Housing
Amirhossein Bakhshi is a PhD student at Henley Business School, University of Reading, specializing in real estate and planning. His research explores housing economics and the dynamics of housing markets, with a particular emphasis on social housing, urban mobility, and socioeconomic segregation. Leveraging big data analytics, spatial analysis, and machine learning, Amirhossein examines the interplay between housing demand, infrastructure, and policy impacts to provide actionable insights for more equitable and sustainable urban development.
Amirhossein holds an MA in Urban Planning from Iran University of Science and Technology and a BA in Architecture from Imam Khomeini International University. He has published his findings in peer-reviewed journals and presented his work at international conferences. Through his research, Amirhossein seeks to inform housing policies and urban planning practices, fostering data-driven solutions to address housing affordability and accessibility challenges.
Research topic:
"Big Data and Housing"
Supervisors : Dr Yi Wu Dr Yi Wu | Henley Business School and Professor Carlo Corradini Carlo Corradini | Henley Business School
Areas of academic interest :
Data Analysis,
Big Data,
Housing Price,
Urban Mobility,
Real Estate Market,
- MA in Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology (2023)
- BA in Architecture, Imam Khomeini International University (2021)
Honourable Mention, 2A Asia Architecture Award, Residential Category (2022)
- Henley Business School PhD Scholarship 2024
Bakhshi, A., & Khalili, A. (2023). Scientometrics and systematic review of global theoretical texts on the implementation and execution of urban development plans. Geographical Urban Planning Research (GUPR), 11(2), 173-200. doi: 10.22059/jurbangeo.2023.355311.1795
Bakhshi, A., & Khalili, A. (2023). Conceptualization and presentation of a process model for implementation of urban development projects in the global literature. Journal of Iranian Architecture & Urbanism (JIAU), 14(1), 401-423. doi: 10.30475/isau.2023.396311.2040
- Big Data and Housing
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