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  • Green Investment, the regulatory state and land use outcomes: the case of biodiversity net gain in England.

Sarah obtained an MSc in Rural Land and Business Management (distinction) at Henley Business School and has continued onto her PhD. Prior to returning to academia, she had a 29year career in the Oil and Gas industry gaining considerable leadership experience across a wide spectrum of roles. These roles have given her a pragmatic and analytical style but also the ability to be creative and innovative in her approach to work. The application of these skills can now be applied to her PhD Research area around future land use in England.

Areas of academic interest

Land use and Policy; Natural Capital; Planning; Environmental Regulations; Green Investment; Natural Capital markets; biodiversity


  • MSc Rural Land and Business Management (Distinction), University of Reading (2021-2022)

  • MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey (1987-1992)

  • MIET- Member of Institute of Engineering Technology

  • CEng- Chartered Engineer

  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, Coaching Academy (2012)

  • MBA – As part of MBA program completed Diploma of Business Studies and Strategy module, Open University (2001-2003)

Research grants

Henley Business School PhD Studentship


CAAV Postgraduate Prize