Impacts of neighbourhood planning (INPE)
National review of the role of neighbourhood planning in England for the UK government, which examined the successes and barriers of the policy in terms of impacts on development, decision-making, community attitudes and geographies of take-up.

The extensive study represents the most in-depth and detailed research on neighbourhood planning since its formal introduction under the 2011 Localism Act. The research involved a quantitative analysis of NP activity, surveys, cases studies and focus groups. This research also builds on prior work which has shaped the policy and its support arrangements. The INPE research identified a series of areas for action across: funding, support, training, implementation and wider system alignment.
Full report was published by MHCLG in September 2020
Research team: Gavin Parker, Matthew Wargent, Mark Dobson, Tessa Lynn, with Kat Salter (University of Birmingham), Andy Yuille (Lancaster University) and Navigus Planning.
Authors | Gavin Parker, Mark Dobson |
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