CoachFest: A Season of Change
The Henley Centre for Coaching is excited to bring you... CoachFest – our month-long festival of coaching!
During October, we’ll be hosting a range of online and in-person events to help you immerse yourself in cutting-edge coaching thinking, research and practice. Each week of CoachFest has a different theme:
- Week 1 is Coaching for Climate Change
- Week 2 is Diversity & Inclusion (Also, featuring our Online Coaching Open Day!)
- Week 3 is Wellbeing
See the events during each week below!

Week 1 - Coaching for Climate Change
Our events for Coaching for Climate Change will prompt you to reflect on your role as a coach in relation to climate change in the environment and are designed to help you immerse yourself in cutting-edge coaching thinking, research and practice.
Week 1 events:
Wednesday 4 October 2023

This session will look at how we can use transpersonal coaching in the context of the climate and eco-diversity crisis. What mindset, skills and tools do we need to work effectively in this context?
Hetty is the author of The Future of Coaching: Vision, Leadership and Responsibility in a Transforming World; Who do we Care to Be? The Ethics of Care Revisited for the Coaching Profession.

Can mindfulness and nature connection coaching be part of the solution for the climate emergency? This workshop will share the philosophy of ‘Aware–Care–Share’ and will involve current thinking around climate coaching issues, nature-based mindfulness practices and the research linking mindfulness and climate consciousness.
Hazel holds an MA in Mindfulness-Based Approaches and her dissertation, ‘Nature-based mindfulness coaching’, built on her passion for coaching in nature and developing the link between mindfulness and climate action.

We will start to identify the next steps we want to take, professionally and personally, in order to be in service to life in 2023, and beyond.
Zoe has also been ‘catalysing’ her own profession in the UK and internationally for the last four years. She initiated and co-wrote an open letter to the coaching profession and professional bodies in July 2019, and speaks and writes on related topics.
Friday 6 October 2023

We talk about systems theory as if there were just one way of thinking about systems, whereas there are many ways of thinking about systems.
Paul conducts research on a regular basis and has published more than a dozen academic articles and book chapters. He has authored four books: Leading Change: How Successful Leaders Approach Change Management, Coaching in Three Dimensions: Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World, The Tao of Dialogue and Coaching Systemically: Five Ways of Thinking About Systems.

Week 2 - Diversity & Inclusion
For Diversity & Inclusion, we’ll explore belonging and culture, as well as invite you to sessions designed to equip you with skills to build how you think about D&I as a coach.
More events being announced soon!
Week 2 events:
Thursday 12 October 2023

You will take part in individual short LEGO® builds, leading to building together in small groups, generating reflection, insight and conversations. You will leave with fresh perspectives and a clearer idea of what changes you want to make going forward. During the session you will hear others’ perspectives and consider the implications for you and your practice.

This workshop will focus on your role as a coach and how you can leverage this privilege to help move the dial on inclusion in the workplace. As well as gaining a deeper understanding of your role as an ally, you will:
- explore the power of privilege and how to use it to promote inclusion
- be provided with practical approaches to stimulate conversations to address the inclusion challenge in the workplace
- discuss the role of coaches as allies and how to contribute to promoting an inclusive culture

Coaching offers a good route back to finding resilience, confidence, and renewed enjoyment of work. It can also build strategies to tackle the bullies and improve the overall workplace climate.
This session will explore ways to tackle bullying and gaslighting, and to build strength and confidence to flourish at work.
Friday 13 October 2023

How do you effectively coach someone whose culture, sexual identity, family background, religious background, social class, or physical or neurological characteristics are very different from yours?
Salma Shah is the founder of the unique award-winning Mastering Your Power – a certified coach training programme designed with a wider systemic lens of diversity, inclusion, belonging and equity. She has been coaching clients and delivering workshops for over twenty years.
Monday 16 October 2023

The aim of this informative session is to provide you with the facts about becoming a professionally accredited coach and/or Mentor. Plus outline the process that you need to follow.
In this factual session you will:
- learn about the eligibility and competency requirements needed
- review the application process to become an accredited coach and/or mentor
- identify the benefits of becoming an accredited coach and/ or mentor
- identify the various accreditation routes for individuals, coach training providers and team and programme managers in coaching and mentoring
Through reviewing the requirements, you will be able to decide whether to work towards gaining accreditation with your professional membership body and the most suitable pathway to follow.

Online Coaching Open Day
Join us online for the Coaching Open Day on Tuesday 10 October 2023 and learn all about coaching at Henley, our portfolio of accredited programmes and The Henley Centre for Coaching and its community.
There will be opportunities to meet the Programme Directors and hear from current students and recent alumni.

Week 3 - Wellbeing
For our Wellbeing theme, we’ll look at a range of coaching approaches for wellbeing, including how to help your clients find the balance between wellbeing and high performance.
More events being announced soon!
Week 3 events:
Wednesday 18 October 2023

How do we challenge our concept of limitation and the limits we impose on others, often without realising it?
Chris shares insights on the balance of life and death and the limit of human endurance in an uplifting way. These experiences are valuable because they bring clarity to illustrate useful principles. Chris has worked with psychologists, psychiatrists and business schools, so there is academic rigour behind the principles he shares.
Friday 20 October 2023

A guided mindfulness practice to help everyone fully arrive and tune into intentions for the day.
Many of you will know Lucy as author of 'Find Your WOW', speaker, entrepreneur, and the voice behind Meditation Rocks and our 9@9 Meditations.

This session will break down the neuroscience of performance and explain our body’s relationship to stress and the subsequent hormonal fluctuations. We will look at the relationship between the inner game (mind) and the outer game (environment), the neuroscience of habit cultivation, training the brain for flow, and more.

Coaching and therapy are different ‘helping by talking’ disciples, with different purposes, principles and assumptions. However, in practice it can be challenging for coaches to make ‘in the moment decisions’ about where coaching ends and therapy begins, especially if the coachee is finding coaching therapeutic and cathartic.
Join Karen Foy and Verity Hannell in this interactive discussion exploring whether coaching can be therapeutic without breaking any professional boundaries.
Coaching@Henley Podcast
Coaching@Henley is a brand-new podcast series from Henley Business School where Dr Rebecca Jones is joined by Henley coaching academics, practitioners and special guests each month to discuss insights into the world of coaching.