Angelique Chettiparamb
Professor of Urban Planning and Governance
Co-Head of Department & Research Division Lead

- Planning Theory,
- Local level planning and governance,
- Civic participation and multi-level governance,
- Solid waste management and The Circular Economy,
- Community Land trusts and land management,
- Circular internal migration and rental housing
Angelique is an architect/urban planner interested in planning theory especially in social systems theory and complexity theory. She is currently Managing Editor of the journal Planning Theory and the co-book series editor of the Edward Elgar series on ‘Spatial Interventions’. Angelique has researched a wide range of planning and governance themes in the UK and in Kerala, India. She is also interested in teaching and learning scholarship and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Angelique started her career as a practising architect in India leading her own architectural consultancy. She was also simultaneously teaching at Cochin University. Later she led the Centre for Urban Studies at the Kerala Institute of Local Administration where she worked closely with Local Self-Government Institutions across the state of Kerala and with the Kerala State Town Planning Department. After her PhD from Cardiff University, she completed an ESRC Post-Doc Fellowship at Cardiff University, where she also subsequently worked as a Research Fellow. She joined Reading University as a Lecturer in 2009.
- PhD: School of City and Regional Planning; Cardiff University; United Kingdom (Doctoral Fellowship sponsored by the Ford Foundation).
- Diploma in Social Science Research Methods: School of City and Regional Planning; Cardiff University; United Kingdom
- Special Postgraduate Diploma Environmental Management of Human Settlements: Institute of Housing & Urban Development, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Human Settlements Management Institute, New Delhi, India. (Sponsored by NUFFIC).
- M.Arch (Urban Design): School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi; India. (Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India).
- B.Arch: College of Engineering, Trivandrum, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
Current and past PhD students
Mohammed Rizvi Noordeen: Research title: Managing diverse ethnicity in emerging third world countries: The case of Sri Lanka (2011-2015). First and Sole supervisor, University of Reading. Examined January, 2015.
Senjuti Manna: Research title: Globalization, design process, philosophies and aesthetics in contemporary sustainable landscape architecture in India (2012-16). First supervisor, University of Reading. Examined, January, 2016.
Maxwell Okrah: Research title: Capacity of local government and participatory budgeting: analysis of fiscal decentralisation in Ghana (2013 – 2017). First supervisor, University of Reading. Examined March, 2018.
Joseph Ayitio: Research title: Hybrid Land Governance and the Politics of Institutional Change in Ghana: Explaining Divergent Trajectories. First supervisor, University of Reading Examined October, 2019.
Rita Nasr: Research title: The Role of Middlemen in the Development of better Recycling Practices in Lebanon. Current State: First supervisor, University of Reading. Examined June,2023
Debarati Bhattacharya: Urban Poor Women Negotiating Empowerment: Housing titles in slums of NCT, Delhi. Co-supervisor, CEPT University, India. Examined August 2024.
JingHeng Huang: Research title: ‘Re-evaluating Allport’s contact hypothesis: findings from a Singapore residential neighbourhood’. First supervisor, University of Reading. Fourth year.
Gemma Bell: Why do women face more barriers to running in urban areas than men? Second supervisor, University of Reading, Third year.
Aparna Das: Deindustrialization in Jute Mills Settlements and its Impact on the City Morphology (Land and Property Markets) in West Bengal, India’. Second supervisor, University of Reading, Second year.
Riby Mathew: An Inquiry into the transformative potential of Technology in enhancing the service delivery and accountability in urban governance- Case study of Kerala cities. Co-supervisor, CEPT University, India. First year.
Dr. Christine Mady, Assistant Professor at NDU and ALBA Universities in Lebanon. Funded by the Urban Studies Foundation International Post-Doctoral Fellowship programme. Five months. March 2014-July 2014.
Dr Maxwell Okrah, Lecturer, Department of planning and management, University for Development Studies, Ghana. Funded by the Reading Real Estate Foundation. Two months. June 18th to August 17th, 2018.
Henley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambHenley faculty authors:
Angelique ChettiparambDevelopment 2: Process and Viability
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Development 1: Sustainable Urban Design and Site Planning
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Comparative International Planning
The aim of this module is to understand planning practices and systems in different countries and draw lessons from them. It sets the context, history and development of planning in...
Most recent news & media
Older news & media
Regulation of rental housing in Kochi, Kerala, India’. Funder: Rapid Response for Policy Engagement, Research England, 2023.
Civic Societies in the Planning Process: Shaping new development through bureaucracy. Funder: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme, University of Reading QR Strategic Priorities Fund, 2022.
Co-creating a typology of civic societies. Funder: David Robins Fund, University of Reading, 2022.
Rental Housing in Mumbai Metropolitan Region; Funder: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2021.
A room for the night. Funder: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme, University of Reading, 2021.
Policy Engagement: Discovering land for rental housing for internal migrants in India’; Funder: Rapid Research Policy Engagement, Research England QR Strategic Priorities Fund, 2021.
Exploring the decision-making processes leading to poor quality buildings; Funder: Reading Real Estate Foundation seed funding; 2021.
Civic Societies and the Planning Process. Funder: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme, University of Reading, 2021.
Who on earth allowed that to be built? - Exploring the decision-making processes leading to poor quality buildings’; Funder: Reading Real Estate Foundation seed funding, 2020.
Policy Engagement: Affordable rental housing for internal migrants. Funder: Rapid Research Policy Engagement, Research England QR Strategic Priorities Fund, 2020.
Drawing a Pint: Case study of the Brakspear Brewery, Funder: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme, University of Reading, 2020.
A Tale of Two Properties. Funder: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme, University of Reading, 2019.
Keeping Urban Housing Permanently Affordable: The London Community Land Trust; Funder: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2019.
Real Estate Regulation: A Secondary data and Literature Review. Funder: Reading Real Estate Foundation seed funding, University of Reading, 2018.
Development Industry Perceptions of the Real Estate Regulation Act, 2016 in India. Funder: Reading Real Estate Foundation seed funding, University of Reading, 2017.
Voices from the Field: The Kudumbashree Project, Kerala, Funder: International Research Collaboration Award, Cardiff University, 2009.
The Globalizing State, Public Services and the New Governance of Local Urban Communities in India – The Case of Kerala. Funder: Ford Foundation, India, 2009
Relevance of HGSF in the midday meal programme of Kerala, India. Funder: The World Food Programme , 2007.
A Literature Review Into Interdisciplinarity. Funder: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS), The Higher Education Academy, UK 2006.
Pedagogical Approaches Incorporating Prior Learning, Funder: Subject Centre for Education in the Built Environment (CEBE), The Higher Education Academy, UK. 2006
Inter-Disciplinarity - Comparison Of Pedagogical Approaches To Urban Studies In Planning And Sociology. Funder: Subject Centre for Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (C-SAP), The Higher Education Academy, UK , 2005.
‘Progress after the 74th Amendment in Kerala Local Government Institutions- The case of Kerala’. Funder: All India Institute of Local Self Government (AILSG), Mumbai 2002.
‘The case study of land mobilization for Kochi Road development’, Funder: Innovative Urban Management Component of the Financial Institutions Reforms and Expansion - Debt (FIRE - D) Programme of USAID. 2002.
Visiting Fellow: University of Palermo, Italy under the CoRi programme (International Relations Commission)(May, 2023)
Leverhulme International Academic Fellowship (2019-2020)
Visiting Fellow, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (2013, 2014)
Senior Fellow, Advance HE (2014 onwards)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship funded by Economic and Social Research Council (2005-2006)
Doctoral Fellowship funded by the ‘International Fellowship Programme’ of the Ford Foundation (2002-2005)
Trustee, Reading Real Estate Foundation (since 2022)
Managing Editor, Planning Theory (since 2016)
Co-book Series Editor: Elgar Spatial Interventions; Edward Elgar Publications (since April 2016).
Member: Economic and Social Research Council, Peer Review College (since 2014).
Secretary General, Association of European Schools of Planning (2018 – 2022)
Member, Excellence in Education Board: Association of European Schools of Planning (2016- 2023)
Advisor, Excellence in Education Board: Association of European Schools of Planning (2023- 2025)
Member, Core Curriculum Review Board: Association of European Schools of Planning (2021 - 2022).
External Examiner: MSc. Spatial Planning, University of Dundee, Scotland (2021 – 2025)
External Examiner: Subject External Examiner, Regional and Urban Planning, University College Dublin, Ireland (2020-2024)
External Examiner: Masters in Civic Design, University of Liverpool (2021 – 2024)
External Examiner: MA International Planning and Sustainable Development, University of Westminster, UK (2018 – 2022).
2024: Winner, Henley Awards: For Mentoring and enabling colleagues
2022: Shortlisted for the Reading University Impact Awards
2016: ‘Celebrating successes’ award for championing the move towards e-assessment.
2012: Nominated for ‘Gold Star’ award by students
2008: First prize in the ‘Hidden successes competition organized by MIT, USA and IFMRI, India.
2004: First prize for Young Academics awarded by the Planning Research Network, of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Co-head of Department, Real Estate and Planning (since August 2024)
Research Division Lead, Real Estate and Planning (since April 2022)
Chair, Research Committee, Real Estate and Planning (since April 2022)
Member, University-wide ‘Online Courses Advisory Group’ (since April 2024)
Member, University Committee for Open Research and Research Integrity – CORRI (since October 2023)
Member, Research Evaluation in Recruitment and Promotion Working Group (since May 2022)
School Director of Academic Tutoring (Job Share): Henley Business School (March 2019 – March, 2020)
Academic Developer (Student Engagement): One of four Department facing University-wide appointment (April 2017-July 2018).
Director of Studies: Real Estate and Planning (September 2014-August 2017)
Programme Director: M.Sc. International Planning and Sustainable Urban Management (2012-2016)
News item on Handover of Vacant land inventory to Kochi Corporation, In Malayala Manorama and Deshabhimani daily newspapers published in Malayalam from Kerala, 4th September, 2022.
Presentation to planners within the Department of Levelling-Up, Communities and Housing on ‘Civic Societies & the Planning Process: "Exploring the role of local civic societies in the English planning system “, April 12, 2022 (with Chris Maidment)
Co-presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Civil Societies on ‘Role of Civic Societies in Planning’. 8th February, 2022.
News item on webinar in relation to the ‘Discovering land for rental housing for internal migrants’ project organised on the 21st of January 2022. In Mathrubhumi, Deshabhimani and Manorama daily newspapers published in Malayalam from Kerala
News items following the release of the report on ‘Strategic Action Plans for Rental Housing for Internal Migrants in Kochi Municipal Corporation.’ Indian Express, 3rd of September, 2021 (; Manorama, 4th of September, 2021; Mathrubhumi, 4th of September, 2021; Facebook post of Kochi Mayor, 4th of September, 2021 ( and Indian Express, 11th of September (
Comment to Binu Prabhakaran in ‘Kochi needs own planning wing’. Times of India, December 5th, 2020. Accessed 19-12-2020.
Interview with Prof Saswant Bandhopadhyay and Prof Sejal Patel on Kudumbashree project, Kerala, India-EU urban partnership, October 1st, 2020.
Interview in relation to the use of Discussion Boards in teaching and learning: TEL team, Reading University, July 23rd, 2019:
Interview for the Epigeum project on preparing a toolkit to promote Academic Integrity following research on academic integrity. The Open University. October 2nd, 2018.
Interview by E-learn Magazine on Implementation of Department wide E-assessment in the University of Reading, 16th March, 2017. Article published here:
Interviewed by Lauren Orozco.
TV interview on urbanisation issues in Kerala, India on Asianet TV, Kerala, India. Broadcast on September 14th, 2009.
TV interview on urbanisation issues in Kerala, India on Jaihind TV, Kerala, India. Broadcast at 8.00am, August, 25th, 2009.
- Planning Theory
- Local level planning and governance
- Civic participation and multi-level governance
- Solid waste management and The Circular Economy
- Community Land trusts and land management
- Circular internal migration and rental housing
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