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Three REP teams win funding bids from Research England

REP rapid

Three teams from the Real Estate and Planning department at Henley Business School have been awarded funding from the Research England QR Strategic Priorities Fund to support rapid response policy engagement projects.

This funding aims to support universities to link effectively with policy research priorities and opportunities, from the local to the international.

The three successful projects from REP are as follows:

“Shaping the new planning system in England: collaborative policy development with government to inform ‘front-loaded’ participation” - Professor Gavin Parker, Dr Mark Dobson and Dr Tessa Lynn.

“Policy engagement: Affordable rental housing for internal migrants” - Professor Angelique Chettiparamb, working alongside Dr Rajan Chedambath (Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development Kochi Municipal Corporation, Kerala, India) and Dr Benoy Peter (Centre for Migration and Inclusive Development, Kerala, India).

“Town centre regeneration – making it happen now” - Victor Nicholls and Dr Emma Street.

Funding was awarded via the University of Reading in December 2020 and the projects began in January.

Gavin Parker

Professor of Planning Studies

Mark Dobson

Lecturer of Planning and Development

Angelique Chettiparamb

Professor of Urban Planning and Governance

Emma Street

Associate Professor of Urban Policy and Governance

Victor Nicholls

Lecturer in Development and Planning
Published 19 February 2021
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