Members of the Dunning Centre
The Dunning Centre comprises faculty members of the International Business and Strategy department and associate members, visiting fellows across our 3 bases.

Faculty members
Grazia D. Santangelo is Professor of Strategic and International Management at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). She earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Reading (UK). Before joining CBS, she held a Jean Monnet Chair in International Business for European Union at the University of Catania (Italy) where she holds a part-time professorial appointment. She studies the evolution of firms’ internationalization process, how firms strategize on their intangibles across borders and, more recently, MNEs and Grand Challenges. Her research has been published in leading academic journals and recognized by international awards. She is the co-editor of Global Strategy Journal and served as Reviewing Editor of Journal of International Business Studies. She is a member of the Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Review, among others, an AIB and EIBA Fellow, and elected member of the Executive Committee of the AOM International Management Division.
Ari Van Assche is a Professor of International Business at HEC Montréal and holds a professorship in pedagogical innovation on economic diplomacy. He is also deputy editor of the Journal of International Business Policy and co-founder of the International Institute for Economic Diplomacy. Recipient of a PhD in Economics from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, his work focuses on the organization of global value chains and their implications for international business policy. His work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Economic Geography and the Journal of Development Economics. In 2017, he co-edited the book Redesigning Canadian Trade Policy for New Global Realities, which received the 2018 Doug Purvis Memorial Prize.
Professor Lucia Piscitello is an expert in the study of internationalisation, location and innovation strategies of multinational enterprises. Her recent research focus is the adoption of digital technologies for international competitiveness. Lucia Piscitello is Visiting Professor at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK, and Professor of International Management at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Her research interests cover the economics and management of MNE and the international aspects of technological change, the geography of innovation. She has published over 80 refereed journal articles. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Economic Geography, Economic Geography, Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Industrial and Corporate Change, Research Policy, among others. She is Associate Editor of the Global Strategy Journal, Co-editor in Chief of the Journal of Industrial Business Economics, and serves on the editorial boards of several journals. She acts as an external expert for the Department of Geography & Environment, London School of Economics, UK. She is a Fellow, Past President, and Chair of the European International Business Academy (EIBA).
Gabriel is a Professor in International Strategy at BI Norwegian Business School and has worked on a broad range of topics in corporate strategy and international business. There is a lot of transaction cost/internalization type of reasoning in his research, but often in combination with other perspectives. Gabriel is not committed to any particular empirical approach. His current portfolio of research projects includes Internationalization dynamics and Organization and governance in multinational enterprises. Gabriel also makes a teaching contribution to the Economics of International Business masterclass that runs in the Autumn term.
Jong Min is an Assistant Professor in International Business at the School of Business, Yonsei University, South Korea. Before joining Yonsei, he worked as an Associate Professor in International Business and Strategy at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK. His research interests sit at the intersection of international business, global strategic management, and international human resource management. His current research focuses on the management of multinational firms, with a particular interest in subsidiary portfolio characteristics and global staffing strategies. His recent works have appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Management, and Journal of Business Ethics, among others. Over the last few years, his research has won multiple awards at International Business conferences such as Academy of International Business and European International Business Academy. He currently serves as a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of International Business Studies and as a reviewing editor for the Asian Business & Management
Andreas Schotter is Associate Professor of International Business and the F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellow at the Ivey Business School. Before joining the faculty at Ivey, Andreas served on the faculty of the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona. The Wall Street Journal has named him twice WSJ Distinguished Professor of the Year. Andreas has lived and worked in Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA.
Andreas’ research has been published in top management journals such as the MIT Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies, the Journal of International Business Studies. He has authored numerous book chapters, a book on management frameworks, and more than 20 cases.
Andreas’ main focus areas are multinational enterprise development and subsidiary evolution, strategy-structure-environment interactions, and boundary spanning in global organizations. His current projects include strategies in the era of exponential change, business system disruption, the internationalization strategies of digital firms, and the interactions between location characteristics and managerial influences on MNE location choices.
Chie is Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University, Japan. She received her MSc and PhD in International Business from the University of Reading. She is currently a Visiting Academic of the Henley Business School from August 2018 to July 2020. Her main research interests are changes in roles of MNEs’ subsidiaries in host Asian countries, roles of R&D subsidiaries and their impacts in host Asian countries, technology and knowledge transfer, and inter-organisational linkages within industrial clusters. She was President of the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) 2017-2019, Executive secretary of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) 2009-2020, National representative for Japan of European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2013-2019 and board member of Japan Association of Multinational Enterprises (JMNE) and Japan Association of International Business Studies (JAIBS). She has completed research reports on ASEAN countries for organizations such as ASEAN-Japan center and Japan Management Association. She has published widely in the domain of International Business and Global Innovation Management in the South East Asian contexts.
Luciano is a Senior Lecturer in the Political Economy of Emerging Markets in the King’s College in London. His research examines the business environment of emerging markets and the strategies that local and foreign businesses adopt to operate and compete in these economies. His background includes a BSc in Economic History at the London School of Economics, an MPhil in the Economics and Politics of Latin America at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, and a PhD in Development Studies at the London School of Economics.
Ajai is Associate Professor of Strategic Management and International Business in the Department of Management and Global Business at Rutgers Business School. He received a PhD in Business Policy and Strategy from the National University of Singapore. In his research, Dr Gaur studies the distinct institutional influences on firms' international expansion strategies in different institutional contexts. A related focus of his research is to study institutional influences on various firm-level governance mechanisms and their strategic and performance consequences. He is actively involved in research projects undertaken in the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business.
He is Professor of International Business and Beedie Research Fellow at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. Before he joined Simon Fraser University in 2012, he worked as an Associate Professor at Brock University and at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. He received his PhD degree (2007) from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University-Bloomington. His research centres on internationalization strategy, country risk, business continuity and sustainability, and globalization versus regionalization.
Prof James Walker is the Head of Research and the Director of the new World of Work Institute. He holds a doctorate from the London School of Economics and Political Science and his research agenda is characterised by the application of empirical methods to better understand real world problems. He is a regular contributor to innovation based outlets and he has written over 50 papers which were published in journals, as diverse as Research Policy and the Journal of Economic History.
Khadija van der Straaten
Khadija van der Straaten is an assistant professor at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and an associate member of the Erasmus Research Insitute of Management. Her research interests include sustainable development, inequality and gender issues and has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies and Critical Perspectives on International Business. She is currently working with Rajneesh Narula and Elisa Giuliani on issues of inequality, poverty and MNEs
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Professor in International Business and Business History and Director of the Centre for Global Business and Institutions, at the University of York. She holds a PhD from the University of Reading, and her research focuses on the evolution of global business. Her books include Global Brands – The Evolution of Multinationals in Alcoholic Beverages (2007), Brands, Trademarks and Competitiveness (2010), and Internationalisation and Concentration in the Port Wine Industry (1999).
José Pla-Barber serves as Professor and Chair of International Business at the University of Valencia in Spain. Currently, he is Vice Chair of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) and Chair of the Western Europe Chapter of the Academy of International Business.He is also amember of the board of the Spanish Association of Management. His research focuses on international strategy. Jose Pla-Barber has a distinctive list of publications in top-level journals in the field such as: Journal of Economic Geography, British Journal of Management, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, Management International Review, International Marketing Review, Services Industries Journal, Service Business, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, among others.
Kristin is Assistant Professor at the Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria and was Lecturer in International Business at Henley Business School, University of Reading from 2014 to 2017. She holds a PhD in International Business from Copenhagen Business School and was visiting scholar at Fox School of Business, Temple University and Said Business School, University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the management of global service operations and value chains as well as of innovation and intellectual property in emerging economies. She published in journals such as the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, and Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange, among others.
Yordanka Chobanova
Yordanka Chobanova has been an advisor on European affairs to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria since 2012. She obtained a Bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Economics in Varna, (2002); a Master's degree in political sciences from the Central European University in Hungary, (2003); and a PhD from the European University Institute in Italy, (2007). She was a visitor to the Dunning Centre in 2006. She has published widely on innovations, national innovation systems in the new EU member states and on R&D strategies of multinational companies. She is an author of “Strategies of MNEs in CEECs: Innovation systems and Embeddedness”.
Stéphane was an Assistant Professor of Strategy and International Business from 2012 to 2016. His research focused on international operating models, emerging markets multinationals, reorganisations and performance and the new strategic imperatives in the luxury sectors. He was actively involved in executive education programmes (e.g. Euro CIOs, AVIC, Bank of China) and Master programmes (e.g. International Strategic Management).
Simona Iammarino is Professor of Economic Geography at the Department of Geography and Environment of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Simona is currently Head of Department. She was a Post-doc Marie Curie Research fellow and visiting lecturer at the Dunning Centre in 1997−1999. Her main research interests lie in the following areas: Multinational corporations, location and innovation strategies, local economic development, economic geography of innovation and technological change, and international business.
Odile Janne is Lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London. She holds an MA and a PhD from the University of Reading. She has been a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at Shizuoka University, Japan, in 2005. Her research interests are in the fields of international business, geography and innovation, including the strategies and innovation of multinational corporations, the geography of innovation, subsidiaries’ strategies and the role and use of patents. She has published in the Journal of International Management, Research Policy, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management among others. She was an organiser of the Conference of the Academy of International Business, UK & Ireland (AIB-UKI) Chapter in 2016.
Geoffrey Jones is the Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at the Harvard Business School. He was previously Reader and then Professor in the Economics Department at Reading between 1988 and 2002, and the founder of the Centre for International Business History. Professor Jones researches the evolution, impact and responsibility of global business. His books include Multinationals and Global Capitalism: From the Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century (2005) and Beauty Imagined. A History of the Global Beauty Industry (2010). He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business.
Sarianna Lundan
Sarianna M. Lundan holds the Chair in International Management and Governance at the University of Bremen in Germany. She received her PhD from Rutgers University and has held prior appointments at the University of Reading and at Maastricht University. She has published widely in journals and books, and has co-authored with John H. Dunning the second edition of Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, an influential reference work in the field of international business. She serves currently on seven editorial boards, including the Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review, Global Strategy Journal and Multinational Business Review.
She has also consulted extensively with the United Nations and the World Bank on issues related to the development impact of foreign investment. She was a Lecturer at the University of Reading in 1996−1998.
Felicia Fai is Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in International Business at the University of Bath, School of Management. She holds an MA and a PhD (1999) from Reading. Her work straddles international business and innovation at multiple levels: firm, regional clusters and nations with a particular interest in the evolution of technological competence and its diversification. She has published in International Business Review, Industrial and Corporate Change among others, and co-edited a special Issue for Management International Review. She was co-chair of the AIB UK Conference in 2005 and won the Best Paper Award at EIBA in 2008 (with Dr J-L Duanmu).
Masayuki is Professor of International Management at the Kindai University of Japan and was a visiting research fellow at Henley Business School in 2012. He obtained an MBA from Kwansei Gakuin University and a Ph.D. from the University of Hyogo. He is a member of the board of directors at the Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises, the Japan Academy of International Business Studies and the Transcultural Management Society in Japan. He has conducted extensive research in the field of International HRM and engaged in numerous training and consultancy projects for HR specialists. He has published more than 50 books and articles and was awarded six academic prizes for his publications. His book on 'Nikkeijin' (Japanese Brazilians) titled 'The Theory of Utilisation of the Nikkeijin' has been awarded 'Best book of the year' by the Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises.
Niron is the Head of the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Area at the Hebrew University School of Business Administration in Israel. His research interests include: Theory of the Multinational Corporation, Technological Innovation and internationalization, Growth patterns of small high technology firms and Internationalization, product diversification and performance. Niron's research was published in top international business and innovation journals including Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Management International Review, International Business Review and the Journal of International Management. Niron Hashai obtained his BSc in computer sciences from the Technion and his MBA and PhD from Tel Aviv University. He has also taught at the New York University and the University of Bradford among other institutions. Niron Hashai was the Dunning Research Fellow for the academic year 2011−2012.
Klaus Meyer
Klaus Meyer has been Professor of Strategy and International Business at CEIBS since September 2011. He was Professor at the University of Reading between 2005 and 2007. His research focuses on the strategies of multinational enterprises, especially foreign entry strategies, in emerging economies, in particular, Eastern Europe and East Asia. His recent work focuses on the adaptation of foreign investors in emerging economies, and the growth of multinationals originating from emerging economies such as China. He has published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, among other outlets in Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Management Studies, and he published five books, most recently the textbook “International Business” (with Mike Peng, published by Cengage Learning, 2nd ed., 2016).
Pavida Pananond is Associate Professor of International Business at Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University. She received her PhD from the University of Reading in 2001, and was a visiting researcher at the John Dunning Centre in April 2013. Her research focuses on the internationalisation of firms, with a particular interest in emerging market multinationals, and global value chains. She has published in peer-reviewed journals, including Multinational Business Review, Journal of International Management and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Pavida is Vice President of the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association, and serves on editorial boards of academic journals, such as Multinational Business Review and Competitiveness Review. Her comments and opinion articles appear in local and international media, including the BBC, The Economist, Financial Times and Nikkei Asian Review. Pavida is also a board member of PSL, Thailand’s largest listed company in dry cargo shipping.
Satwinder Singh
Satwinder Singh is Senior Lecturer in International Business and Strategy at Brunel University, UK. He holds an MA degree (Merit) and a PhD degree in Economics. He also acts as dissertation advisor to MSc students at Henley Business School. He was post-doctoral fellow under John Dunning in 1986−87 and subsequently worked as Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, the University of Reading in 1988−96. He has also worked as a full-time consultant with UNCTAD in 2003−04. He has two books and over fifty papers and book chapters to his credit. In 2013 he was honoured with ‘Staff of the Year’ award and in 2015 was awarded a runner-up prize for best supervisor on campus.
Anna D’Ambrosio - Dunning Fellow 2024-2025
Anna is tenure-track Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the Polytechnic of Turin. She received her PhD in Development Economics from the University of Trento. Her works cover international economics, economic geography, and labour economics, and have been published in international journals, among which Research Policy, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Economic Geography, and Review of World Economics. She is a fellow of research institutes like Visit INPS, IRCRES CNR and LABOR and spent visiting periods at the Institute for Employment Research (Germany) and Orkestra (Spain). Her recent research interests focus on the measurement of de-globalization and the analysis of how the sourcing strategies of multinational corporations react to geopolitical shocks and regulatory changes.
Olga Petričević - Dunning Fellow 2023-2024
Olga is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management and Area Chair for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Area at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. She received her PhD degree in Strategic Management from the Georgia State University in Atlanta (USA). Her research interests are at the intersection of strategic management, international business, and technology and innovation. Her research examines the nature and the role of dynamic capabilities in established as well as nascent firms. In her research she also addresses strategies for navigating the rapid reshaping of the global economic systems. She actively presents her research at international and national conferences, publishes her research in leading academic journals, and serves on editorial boards of top-tier academic journals in the management field. Prior to pursuing her PhD studies, she worked for a commercial real estate investment advisory firm in Atlanta (USA) and Munich (Germany).
Riccardo Marzano - Dunning Fellow 2023-2024
Riccardo is Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. His research interests cover the economics of multinational enterprises and the economics of industrial and institutional dynamics. His recent studies cover international business strategies and their interaction with corporate governance and institutional configurations. He published in international journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Law and Economics, Global Strategy Journal, Regional Studies, Journal of Comparative Economics, among others. He also serves on the Editorial Boards of Global Strategy Journal and Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.
Qian (Cecilia) Gu - Dunning Fellow 2022-2023
Cecilia is an Associate Professor at the Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of international business, strategic management, and entrepreneurship. In particular, she is interested in understanding how emerging market firms strategize to respond to various stakeholder relations and demands, as well as the increasingly turbulent global environment. Her works have been published in top journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Science, among others. She is the recipient of multiple research and teaching awards, including the recent Best 40 Under 40 Business Professors award by Poets & Quants.
Saptarshi Purkayastha - Dunning Fellow 2022-2023
Saptarshi is an Associate Professor of Strategy at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. His primary research interest is in investigating the effectiveness of emerging market firms with a focus on internationalization and the role of governance in managing these firms. His research has been published in Organization Science (in press), International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research and Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Nan Zhou -Dunning fellow 2020-2021
Nan Zhou is Associate Professor at Nankai University Business School in China. She received her PhD degree from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Before joining Nankai University, she worked for Moscow School of Management Skolkovo and also China Minsheng Bank. Her research addresses questions that intersect the fields of corporate strategy and international business, focusing primarily on understanding how strategic decisions such as product diversification and globalization are influenced by firm resources and institutional environments in the context of emerging markets. Her publications have appeared in leading journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, and Global Strategy Journal. Her co-authored book ‘Rough Diamonds: Four Traits of Successful Breakout Firms in BRIC’ is published by Jossey-Bass/Wiley and is translated into Chinese.
Shubin Wu - Dunning fellow 2020-2021
Shubin Wu is a lecturer at the University of Liverpool Management School. His prior positions include Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Northeastern University of China. He received his PhD from Liaoning University in China and KU Leuven in Belgium. His research interests are in MNEs’ strategic choices and their performance implications under macroeconomic uncertainty and country heterogeneity. He mainly draws from MNE theories, and particularly aim to apply real options theory to MNEs research to enhance theoretical contributions. He speaks Chinese, Japanese and English, and primarily use the data of Chinese and Japanese firms to do empirical analysis. His research appeared in the Strategic Management Journal along with other academic outlets.
Andreas Schotter - Dunning fellow 2019-2020
Andreas Schotter is Associate Professor of International Business and the F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellow at the Ivey Business School. Before joining the faculty at Ivey, Andreas served on the faculty of the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona. The Wall Street Journal has named him twice WSJ Distinguished Professor of the Year. Andreas has lived and worked in Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA.
Andreas’ research has been published in top management journals such as the MIT Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies, the Journal of International Business Studies. He has authored numerous book chapters, a book on management frameworks, and more than 20 cases.
Andreas’ main focus areas are multinational enterprise development and subsidiary evolution, strategy-structure-environment interactions, and boundary spanning in global organizations. His current projects include strategies in the era of exponential change, business system disruption, the internationalization strategies of digital firms, and the interactions between location characteristics and managerial influences on MNE location choices.
Chinmay Pattnaik - Dunning fellow 2019-2020
Chinmay Pattnaik is a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of the Discipline of International Business at the University of Sydney Business School. He is the reviewing editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Management and deputy editor of the Journal of Asia Business Studies. His research focuses on the determinants and consequences of corporate and global strategies of firms from emerging market economies. He critically evaluates and enriches existing theories by applying them to different institutional contexts including India, Korea and China. His research has been published by Journal of International Business Studies, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Management International Review, International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Journal of Business Research among others. His co-edited book ‘Emerging Market Firms in Global Economy’ is published by Emerald Publishing UK.
Helena Barnard -Dunning fellow 2018-2019
Helena Barnard is Professor at the Gordon Institute of Business Science of the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Her research interests are in how knowledge (and with it technology, organisational practices, and innovation) moves between more and less developed countries, particularly in Africa. She researches both organisational mechanisms (notably emerging multinationals and internet-enabled businesses) and individual mechanisms such as scientific collaborations, doctoral training, and the diaspora. Her
research has appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Journal of World Business and other journals. She is the 2017-2020 Academy of International Business Vice President for Administration, an area editor for the newly launched Journal of International Business Policy, and the deputy editor in charge of Africa for the journal Management and Organizational Review.
Björn Jindra - Dunning fellow 2018-2019
Björn Jindra is Associate Professor for International Business at the Department of International Economics and Management at Copenhagen Business School (DK). He had prior positions at The University of Bremen and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (DE). He is an honorary research fellow at the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in South Africa. His primary research areas are internationalization of R&D, innovation in multinational firms as well as foreign direct investment and technological catching-up. He published on these and related topics in outlets such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, Regional Studies, and World Development.
Victoria Scalera -Dunning fellow 2017-2018
Vittoria G. Scalera is Assistant Professor of International Management at the University of Amsterdam Business School. She received her PhD from the Politecnico di Milano School of Management, where she also worked as post-doctoral Research Fellow. Her research mainly lies at the intersection between international business and innovation management, where she focuses on innovation strategies in multinational firms, international knowledge sourcing, global innovation networks, and emerging countries’ technological catch-up. She is also interested in the international strategy and performance of government-owned institutions.
Xufei Ma - Dunning fellow 2017-2018
Xufei Ma is an Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He received his PhD in business policy and strategy from NUS Business School, National University of Singapore. His research interests lie in corporate and international strategies of multinational and entrepreneurial firms in and from emerging economies.
Luis Alfonso Dau - Dunning fellow 2016-2017
He is an Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University. His research focuses on the effects of globalization and institutional changes on the international strategy and performance of emerging market firms. Luis has been published in the leading academic journals in the field, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of International Management, Management International Review, and Journal of Business Venturing. He has also conducted field research in several emerging markets, including Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico.
Alessandra Perri - Dunning fellow 2016-2017
She is an Assistant Professor of International Business at the Department of Management of Ca’ Foscari University (Venice). She earned her PhD at Luiss Guido Carli University (Rome) and she worked as post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Business Administration of Carlos III University (Madrid). Her research is focused on the impact of FDI on host countries, innovation strategies in multinational firms and their subsidiaries, and emerging countries’ technological catch-up. Alessandra's work has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of World Business, the International Business Review, the International Journal of Management Reviews and the Multinational Business Review.
Ajai Gaur -Dunning fellow 2015-2016
Ajai is Associate Professor of Strategic Management and International Business in the Department of Management and Global Business at Rutgers Business School. He received a PhD in Business Policy and Strategy from the National University of Singapore. In his research, Dr Gaur studies the distinct institutional influences on firms' international expansion strategies in different institutional contexts. A related focus of his research is to study institutional influences on various firm-level governance mechanisms and their strategic and performance consequences. He is actively involved in research projects undertaken in the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business.
Jenny Hilemann -Dunning fellow 2015-2016
Jenny is a post-doctoral fellow at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, from which she received a PhD in Business Economics in December 2014, and a guest lecturer at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Her research includes the managerial analysis of multinational enterprise strategy and the broader governance challenges facing international firms. To date, her research contributions have been published as three edited book chapters in a well-known book series with two further articles accepted in International Business Review and Multinational Business Review. She has been awarded the 2014 Academy of International Business/Sheth Dissertation Proposal Award and was nominated for the 2015 Academy of Management D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Award for the Best Dissertation in International Management and for the 2015 International Theme Committee & Emerald Best International Dissertation Award at the Academy of Management.
Marcus Larsen -Dunning fellow 2014-2015
An Assistant Professor at Department of Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School, his research focuses on the organizational design of multinational corporations and the rise of emerging economy multinationals. His research is published in journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, and the Global Strategy Journal.
Marcus has also published a number of teaching cases. His dissertation won the Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award and the Barry M. Richman AoM/IM Best Dissertation Award in 2014.
Marcelo Bucheli -Dunning fellow 2014-2015
An Associate Professor of Business Administration earned his BS and MA in economics from the Universidad de Los Andes and an MA and PhD in history from Stanford University. Before coming to Illinois in 2005, he taught business history at Harvard Business School. His research focuses on the political economy of multinational corporations in a historical perspective. He has been awarded the Newcomen Prize for the best article published in Business History Review in 2004, the 2011 Mira Wilkins Award in International Business History, and the Petroleum History Award in 2009. He is the author of Bananas and Business: The United Fruit Company in Colombia, 1899-2000 (New York: New York University Press, 2005) and co-editor (with R. Daniel Wadhwani) of Organizations in Time: History, Theory, Methods (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) in addition to several articles in management and history journals.
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra -Dunning fellow 2013-2014
He is an Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy at Northeastern University. Beforehand, he was a faculty member at the University of South Carolina and at the University of Minnesota, and a visiting professor at Cornell University. Alvaro studies the internationalization of firms, with a special interest in emerging market multinationals. He also analyzes governance issues, with a special interest in corruption in international business. His research appears in leading academic journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and Research Policy,and in several edited books. He is the reviewing editor of Journal of International Business Studies and serves on the editorial boards of other leading journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Organization Studies, and Journal of World Business. His geographical area of expertise is Latin America. He serves on the Executive Committee of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management. Alvaro teaches courses on global strategy and sustainability at the undergraduate, masters, executive and PhD levels. He was awarded a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and another from the University of Salamanca.
Stefano Elia -Dunning fellow 2013-2014
He obtained a PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering in 2010. His current position is Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). His main research interests deal with: strategies, governance and effects of global sourcing and offshoring; entry strategies and impact of emerging multinational firms investing in advanced economies; drivers of location choices and agglomeration effects of multinational firms in the host countries; international alliances portfolio and innovation output; labour effect of outward foreign direct investments on the home countries; substitution and complementarities relationship between export and foreign direct investments. He is member of the European project ISCH COST Action IS0905 “The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their impact on Europe” and of the “Offshoring Research Network” promoted by the Duke University. He published in international journals such as Economic Geography, Journal of International Management, Management International Review, Journal of Economic Geography, International Business Review and European Journal of International Management.
Vikas Kumar - Dunning fellow 2012-2013
Vikas is Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy in the Discipline of International Business at the University of Sydney Business School. From 2004 to 2009 he was Assistant Professor at Bocconi University and from 2008 to 2009 was a Visiting Scholar at the Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects (CRGP) at Stanford University. Vikas's research interests are in the areas of Internationalization, Emerging Market Firms, Emerging Markets, Business Groups, and Outsourcing/Offshoring. His research has been published in premier international business/management journals such as Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Management International Review (MIR), Corporate Governance: An International Review (CGIR), Journal of World Business (JWB), British Journal of Management (BJM), European Journal of Marketing (EJM), and Thunderbird International Business Review (TIBR). He was co-guest editor of the special issue on 'Offshoring and Outsourcing of High-Value Company Functions' in Journal of Management Studies (2010) and is currently guest editing a special issue in the Journal of International Management (2012) on 'Emerging Market Firm Competitiveness'. Vikas serves on the Editorial Boards of GSJ, JMS, MIR and TIBR. He is the director of the Emerging Market Internationalization Research Group (EMIRG) at the University of Sydney Business School.
Andrea Martinez - Noya - Dunning fellow 2012-2013
Andrea completed her PhD with distinction in 2008 from the Economics and Business School at the University of Oviedo in Spain. During her PhD studies, she was a visiting student at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 2008 she is Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the University of Oviedo. Within the department, she belongs to the international management research team focused on analyzing firms' growth strategies and internationalization. Her research is mainly focused on internationalization and cooperation strategies on R&D, especially on international R&D outsourcing practices by technological firms and how these firms can benefit from outsourcing. Her research received several distinctions, such as the "Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award" at 2008 AIB Meeting, "Premio Enrique Fuentes Quintana", and it was a finalist for the "Barry M. Richman Best Dissertation Award" of the IMD at the 2009 AOM Meeting. She has published in Journal of International Management, International Business Review, and Journal of Management Studies, amongst others.
Lorraine Eden - Dunning fellow 2011-2012
Lorraine Eden is Professor of Management and Mays Research Fellow at Texas A&M University, and a visiting professor at the University of Reading. Professor Eden has a PhD with Distinction in Economics from Dalhousie University. She has published more than 150 scholarly books and articles; her best-known book is Taxing Multinationals (1998). She has been a Fulbright Scholar, a Pew Fellow, and a receiver of multiple teaching, research and professional awards. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB), and has been Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Business Studies and AIB Vice President. She founded WAIB (Women in the Academy of International Business). She teaches and consults on transfer pricing, multinational enterprises, and international business.
Pavida Pananond - Rugman Fellow 2024-2025
Pavida is Professor of International Business at Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University, where she has been based upon completing her graduate studies at McGill University in Canada (MBA) and the University of Reading in England (PhD). Her main research interest is global strategy, particularly with reference to how companies in emerging markets develop and expand overseas. She also studies the governance of global industries and the upgrading of emerging market firms in global value chains. Her academic publications have appeared in California Management Review and Global Strategy Journal, among others. She serves on editorial boards of several international academic journals, including as Area Editor for Journal of International Business Policy. Pavida engages actively beyond academia. She regularly contributes opinion editorials in media outlets such as Bangkok Post and Nikkei Asia, and provide analytical comments to international media, including Al Jazeera, BBC, Bloomberg, Chanel News Asia, and Financial Times. Pavida also undertakes policy research for international organizations, including the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the World Health Organization. Since 2017, she has been one of the Honorary Advisers to Asia New Zealand Foundation, an authority in helping New Zealanders build their knowledge and skills to thrive in Asia. Her corporate role includes board membership of Precious Shipping Public Company Limited, Thailand’s leading dry bulk carrier. Pavida is a frequent speaker at national and international public forums and conferences.
Sunny Li Sun - Rugman Fellow 2023-2024
Sunny Li (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is an associate professor of entrepreneurship and innovation in The Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts Lowell. His research interests cover entrepreneurship, innovation, corporate governance, venture capital, networks, and institutions. He has published papers in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, Research Policy, and Journal of Business Venturing with over 6,900 Google Scholar Citations. He has four papers listed as “highly cited papers” (in the top 1% of its academic field, based on Thomson Reuters’ Essential Science Indicators) and received the Best Impact Award in Academy of Management Perspectives (2009-2013) and the Robert H. Schaffer Award for the Best Paper in Academy of Management. He is the editor of the special issue of Journal of Business Research and seat in the editorial board of the Journal of Management Studies and Journal of Product Innovation Management. Before joining academia, Dr. Sun had 11 years of industrial experience in new venture creation, financing, and consulting.
Sali Li - Rugman Fellow 2022-2023
Sali is a Professor and Distinguished Research Fellow at the Sonoco International Business Department at the Darla Moore School of Business. His current work explores how digital platform ecosystems innovate, iterate, and internationalize. Professor Li teaches Global Strategy and Negotiation courses in the MBA, PhD, and Executive Education programs and has received several teaching awards. His work has been published or is forthcoming in: Academy of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, etc. His research on the internationalization of digital innovation was awarded the Rugman Prize by the Academy of International Business, and he was recognized as the most promising scholar under the age of 40 in the field of international business. Professor Li’s research has also won the Lazardis Award for Journal of Business Venturing’s Best Paper of the Year in 2020, Temple/AIB Best Paper Award at Academy of International Business, and the GWU-CIBER Best Paper Award on Emerging Markets at Academy of Management. In addition, he also serves as associate editor of Journal of Management and Journal of World Business.
Stephanie Wang - Rugman fellow 2021-2022
Stephanie Wang, based at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. She is an associate Professor with broad interests across both International Business and Strategic Management Stephanie’s work touches a number of different fields, including ethics, CSR, cultural industries and emerging markets, and has been published in leading journals such as the JIBS, JWB, GSJ, JMS and SMJ. She has received several prestigious research awards, such as the Emerging Scholar Award from the International Management Division from the Academy of Management (AOM) in 2019, the Academy of International Business (AIB) Best Paper Award in 2018, and the Women’s Emerging Scholar Award at the annual meeting of the AIB in 2017.
Ari Van Assche - Rugman fellow 2020-2021
Ari Van Assche is a Professor of International Business at HEC Montréal and holds a professorship in pedagogical innovation on economic diplomacy. He is also deputy editor of the Journal of International Business Policy and co-founder of the International Institute for Economic Diplomacy. Recipient of a PhD in Economics from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, his work focuses on the organization of global value chains and their implications for international business policy. His work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Economic Geography and the Journal of Development Economics. In 2017, he co-edited the book Redesigning Canadian Trade Policy for New Global Realities, which received the 2018 Doug Purvis Memorial Prize.
Maria Jesus Nieto Sanchez - Rugman fellow 2019-2020
She is a Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. She is the Director of the Master’s programme in Entrepreneurship and the Deputy Director of the Entrepreneurship and Family Firms Institute at this University. Her research interests include internationalisation, innovation management, entrepreneurship and family businesses, and their intersections. Her works have been published in refereed journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, Research Policy, Family Business Review and International Business Review, among many others. She has also contributed to specialised books and collective works on international business.
In Hyeock (Ian) Lee - Rugman fellow 2018-2019
Dr Inhyeock “Ian” Lee is Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy at the Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago, USA. He received his PhD in Business from the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University in 2007. His primary research interests focus on the location strategies of multinational enterprises and entrepreneurial firms contributing to cluster formation. Other research interests involve how regional strategies of multinational enterprises and international new ventures link to firm performance, and how founders’ gender of new ventures translates into innovation activities. He has published in leading journals such as Regional Studies, Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of International Management, and Small Business Economics among others. Prior to joining academia, he was the Deputy Director at the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy in Korea for eight years.
Paloma Almodovar - Rugman fellow 2017-2018
Dr Paloma Almodóvar is Senior Lecturer in the Business Organization Department at the Complutense University of Madrid. Her research interest is International Business, with a particular focus on regional/global strategies; performance of international firms; born-global firms; entry mode choices; and the impact of international activities on firms' innovation.
Liena Kano- Rugman fellow 2016-2017
Liena Kano is the Alan Rugman Visiting Fellow for 2016-2017. She is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Global Management at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Canada. Her research interests lie at the intersection of international business, strategic management, and entrepreneurship. She develops novel applications of comparative institutional analysis to study business phenomena such as the governance of family firms, emerging economy multinationals, multinational business networks, the global value chains, trading favours and global sustainability crises. Her particular focus is on micro-foundations that underlie complex governance decisions. Her work has been published in California Management Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Business History Review, Journal of World Business and other high-quality academic outlets
Chang Hoon Oh- Rugman fellow 2015-2016
He is Professor of International Business and Beedie Research Fellow at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. Before he joined Simon Fraser University in 2012, he worked as an Associate Professor at Brock University and at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. He received his PhD degree (2007) from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University-Bloomington. His research centres on internationalization strategy, country risk, business continuity and sustainability, and globalization versus regionalization.
Gabriel is a Professor in International Strategy at BI Norwegian Business School and has worked on a broad range of topics in corporate strategy and international business. There is a lot of transaction cost/internalization type of reasoning in his research, but often in combination with other perspectives. Gabriel is not committed to any particular empirical approach. His current portfolio of research projects includes Internationalization dynamics and Organization and governance in multinational enterprises. Gabriel also makes a teaching contribution to the Economics of International Business masterclass that runs in the Autumn term.
Ram is Professor and Perelman Senior Research Fellow at the Fox School of Business, Temple University. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Reading's Henley Business School. He is a Fellow of Academy of International Business (AIB), a Lifetime Fellow of the Academy of the University of Messina in Italy, an Honorary Professor at the Center of International Business, University of Leeds (CIBUL) and a member of the advisory council of the University of Bradford Centre in International Business (BCIB). His current research focuses on the geography of innovation, broadly defined. He is an Associate Editor of the Global Strategy Journal and the Book Review Editor of the Journal of International Business Studies. He has served as Special Issue Editor for Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Management Studies, International Business Review and Journal of International Management. He has published over 80 refereed articles and 6 books. His work has appeared in the Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Geography, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, among others.
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