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Henley Centre for Coaching - Building a Coaching Business Bootcamp - June & July 2023

H Cf C Coaching Bootcamp
Event information
Date 2 June - 7 July 2023
Time 9:00-17:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Price Current students - FREE
Henley Centre for Coaching members & Coaching alumni - £99
General registration - £599
Venue Online
Event types:
Webinars Workshops Online masterclass

How to register

  • Current Coaching programme members - free!
    *you will need to book through the link available on Canvas
  • Henley Coaching Alumni & Henley Centre for Coaching members - £99 - book here
    *you must be logged in to Henley Live to see this option appear
  • General registration - £599 - book here
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Starting and growing a business is a challenge.

The one consistent bit of feedback we get from new coaches is ‘we've learned how to coach - but how can we learn how to run a business?’

Henley’s answer to that question is our month-long business growth bootcamp, spread over 4 Fridays and hosted online to help you get fit (or get fitter) in order to run your coaching practice.

This programme will enable you to:

  • tailor your proposition
  • understand your customer
  • start promoting your business
  • understand social media and generate leads
  • grow your client base
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This event will run over 4 days, each focusing on different aspects of developing your own coaching business.

Day one: Friday 02 June ​​​​​​​(09:00-16:00)
Getting into the Entrepreneurial Mindset & Understanding your Customer

Day two: Friday 09 June ​​​​​​​(09:00-16:00)
Connect & Sell

Day three: Friday 30th June ​​​​​​​(09:00-16:00)

Day four: Friday 7th July ​​​​​​​(08:30-16:00)
Expert Advice & Getting Started

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Further information

The programme is delivered by the Rebel Business School, who are experts in helping entrepreneurs find better ways to start and manage their businesses, with input from our resident expert from the business school Professor Jonathan Passmore and The Growing Coaches.

The event is free to all students on Henley coaching programmes including:

The Bootcamp will be held online between 02 June and 07 July, enabling you to join from wherever you are in the world.

Contact us

The Henley Centre for Coaching Team

For more information please contact

Telephone: +44 (0)118 378 5226