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Rising Star: Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | BA (Hons) Management Practice

At a glance

  • A pre-experience Level 6 degree apprenticeship
  • Future-proof your organisation by building a pipeline of diverse and promising leaders
  • Develop early career employees' personal effectiveness, management skills and understanding of your business
Subject area(s)
Qualification level

Level 6

£22,000 (can be funded by your organisation's apprenticeship service account)
Course length
3 years, including 3 months for end-point assessment
Suitable for
Ambitious school leavers and early career talent


The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | BA (Hons) Management Practice builds your organisation's future capability by setting early career professionals on the path to a management position. It equips them with the skills and attitudes they need to successfully lead your business through its future challenges.

Specifically tailored to new talent, this apprenticeship is ideal for ambitious employees who are starting out in their careers or have recently finished Sixth Form or college.

Learners on the programme will:

  • gain a strong grounding in the core aspects of business and management
  • understand the environment and context surrounding your business' operations
  • apply their learning to current challenges and opportunities within your organisation
  • develop vital leadership skills, including communication, time management, critical thinking, decision-making and team working.

Dates for the next intake are to be confirmed. Please contact our apprenticeships team for further information.

Interested in studying as a degree apprentice? Visit our Rising Star course page for learners

Key dates

  • Programme start date: 29 October 2024
  • Nomination deadline: 6 August 2024

Key benefits

  • Attract and retain early talent by investing in their development

  • Strengthen your leadership pipeline

  • Address your organisation's skills gaps with capable new talent

  • Develop employees' ability to lead and innovate in a complex business environment

  • Enhance the communication, time management and critical decision-making skills of your new recruits

The programme has been designed for early career starters to support them in their development as a manager and to progress their career through the acquisition of relevant skills, self-development and reflection.

As the employer, you need to formally nominate learners before they can apply to our apprenticeship programmes. You must also enter a three-way agreement with the apprentice and Henley Business School / the University of Reading. Find out more about the application process

Entry requirements for the individual

ESFA Apprenticeship eligibility criteria
The government funds the apprenticeship through the employer's apprenticeship levy. Applicants should first check they are eligible to receive apprenticeship funding.

Required professional experience
The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | BA (Hons) in Management Practice is designed to cater to both academic achievers and those who opt for a practical experience route. As the programme is best suited for those at the start of their professional journey, applicants are expected to possess no more than two years of relevant work experience.

Apprentices on this programme must be in a role which allows for the application of the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship criteria to be demonstrated and in which substantial new learning can be gained. The baseline assessment done as part of the application will help assess this.

Existing qualifications
Applicants have typically achieved or are predicted to achieve ABB at A level. Ideal candidates for this programme will have recently completed their Sixth Form or College, or have attained a BTEC or similar level 3 qualification. They may also possess one or two years of early career experience in a professional setting.

English and maths requirements to complete the apprenticeship
Apprentices will need to hold Level 2 qualifications in English and maths (i.e. GCSEs at Grades 9-4 or A*-C, or equivalent) to successfully complete their apprenticeship programme.

Other qualifications
Applicants may already hold a Level 6 qualification, as long as this is in a subject other than business and management (or related fields).

Equitable access to our degree programmes for all applicants

We acknowledge that certain students may encounter obstacles that hinder their academic progress, which are beyond their control. Henley Business School and the University of Reading is committed to ensuring equitable access to our degree programmes for all applicants.

We will evaluate applications on a case-by-case basis, with the support of the applicant's Employer, for those meeting at least one of the following criteria:

  • Live in an area with low Higher Education participation (POLAR quintiles 1 and 2).
  • Live in an area with high levels of deprivation (IMD quintiles 1 and 2).
  • Have declared a disability on their UCAS form.
  • Have participated in the Reading Scholars programme.

The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship's fee is £22,000. You can fund this with your organisation's apprenticeship service account. All employers must have an account to access the apprenticeship service.

Please contact our apprenticeships team for further information.

The combination of on-the-job learning in the workplace and both formal and informal off-the-job training is vital for the success of an apprenticeship. As part of the Henley community, apprentices follow a learning plan that includes taught sessions, workshops, one-to-one meetings and self-study. During this time, apprentices also continue in their day job and are encouraged to apply their learning in the workplace.

Off-the-job training is a requirement of the apprenticeship and must account for a minimum of six hours per week (equivalent) of the apprentice’s working hours. Delivered through a mix of activities, by Henley and in the workplace, this training must provide new learning relevant to the apprenticeship and not be part of their normal duties. The off-the-job workplace training could include, attending meetings or conferences, stepping up and taking on new responsibilities or shadowing colleagues.

An apprentice's line manager has a key role to play in the apprentice's progress, as well as enabling them to make a difference in the workplace. Line managers are encouraged to engage with the learner’s apprenticeship tutor to explore how they can facilitate opportunities for the relevant off-the-job training and work-based projects.

Read more on how to support an apprentice with the Henley Essential Apprenticeship Guides

Dr Andrea Tresidder is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at Henley. Her specialisms include organisational behaviour, research methods, project management, and how people learn in a careers context. Andrea's research and experience informs her teaching, helping learners apply real-world business perspectives to your organisation.

Read more about Andrea


Assessment takes place throughout the programme and is based on coursework.

Learners enter Gateway after completing their final module. They then need to prepare for their end-point assessment (EPA). Throughout the programme, students will build a portfolio of evidence which will be used as part of the EPA process.


On successful completion of the programme, apprentices will be awarded:

  • a BA (Hons) in Management Practice
  • the Level 6 Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship

For employers that choose the CMI as the end-point assessment organisation, apprentices may also achieve:

  • a CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management & Leadership
  • Chartered Manager status (on successful EPA)
  • CMI student membership (programme duration plus three months, with option for individuals to pay full membership thereafter).

Apprenticeship programmes are taught using a blended learning method that combines face-to-face workshops with online and on-the-job learning.

At each stage of the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | BA (Hons) Management Practice programme, learners will participate in:

  • Full-day workshops, which include group work and peer feedback sessions
  • Weekly virtual seminars with a learning coach
  • Regular meetings with their Apprenticeship Tutor
  • Individual project supervision

Every stage includes a Professional Practice module to help learners apply what they have learned and support them as they take their first steps into both the workplace and higher education.

Stage 1

In Stage 1, apprentices will explore the organisation's environment. This includes understanding how key resources, such as people and financial resources, can contribute to achieving business objectives.

A non-credit-bearing introductory module prepares students for their apprenticeship journey.

Compulsory modules Credits

This zero-credit introductory module aims to:

  • prepare students for their apprenticeship journey
  • begin the process of creating a cohesive community of learners
  • aid in the development of a self-directed approach to learning.

This module provides an introduction to Business and Management by exploring the organisation's environmental context.

The module considers:

  • The influences on organisations, including its consumers and competitors, stakeholders, and local, national and/or international context
  • How this operating environment may be analysed and used to direct strategy
  • The key approaches to strategy formation and stakeholder, customer and supplier management.


The module aims to develop students' understanding of the concepts and principles underpinning strategy. Students will also be able to interpret and apply them within the context of their own organisation. By the end of the module students will be able to:

  • Evaluate different types of strategy and strategy creation
  • Understand how firms realise strategy in the context of the wider business environment
  • Appraise stakeholder engagement and management tools and techniques as part of a stakeholder management strategy
  • Apply stakeholder management techniques to your own organisation.
Academic authors
Joe Lane resized 75nhoemsn
Dr Joe Lane
20 [10 ECTS credits]

The Business Finance module provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills to understand, analyse and make sense of the role of finance in their respective organisations.

The module introduces theory and practice of financial accounting and management accounting. Through the workshop and seminars, it equips students with knowledge and practical skills that they can apply in their work.


The module aims to develop students' understanding of the concepts and principles of financial and management accounting and ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of their organisation.

The module aims to enable students to:

  1. Understand, analyse, and interpret financial data and information
  2. Understand and support key management accounting tasks of planning, controlling and decision making
  3. Develop a level of confidence in their ability to communicate financial issues
  4. Understand the economic context of the organisation and the principles of effective procurement.
Academic authors
Sian Weatherburn
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module is an introduction to Organisational Behaviour in the contemporary workplace. It explores the challenges, tensions and issues involved in the relationship between individuals, groups and organisations to better understand behaviour at work and managerial processes.

A wide range of topics are covered, including:

  • Team and group working
  • Organisational culture
  • Motivation and engagement
  • Team work
  • Organisational effectiveness and performance
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion.


The module aims to develop students’ understanding of the concepts and principles from organisational behaviour (OB) to develop knowledge, insights and skills relevant to the management of people in organisations.

Academic authors
Andrea t
Dr Andrea Tresidder
20 [10 ECTS credits]

The module encourages students to develop self-awareness and reflect on their core values and drivers. Students will reflect upon their own learning, performance and achievement, and plan for their personal, educational and career development.


In this module, students will develop a better understanding of themselves and their interactions with others.

The module aims to:

  • Develop self-awareness in relation to self and others
  • Encourage students to better understand their own personal values and beliefs
  • Support students to reflect on their own performance and plan for ongoing personal development
  • Give an understanding of learning styles and how to apply this knowledge to self and others.
Academic authors
Andrea t
Dr Andrea Tresidder
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module is the first in a series of three. The module will support students in developing the academic skills needed at university level, including a range of skills and techniques in the area of academic writing, reading and referencing.

Students will also develop their competencies as professionals in the areas of time management, stress management and personal presentation.

The module aims to:

  • Develop students' professional competencies in the area of time management, personal presentation and stress management
  • Develop students' academic skills to maximise the learning process.
Academic authors
Andrea t
Dr Andrea Tresidder
20 [10 ECTS credits]

This module explores marketing in the wider context of business management to give students a firm understanding of its practice and theories.


The module aims to introduce students to marketing and sales from both practice and theory perspectives.

The module will explore:

  • The concepts and strategy of marketing and sales
  • Segmentation and targeting as part of marketing strategy
  • Innovation in product and service.
Academic authors
Irute Daukseviciute Profile Pic Jun18 75iuglcwd
Dr Irute Karanicholas
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Stage 2

During Stage 2, apprentices will deepen their understanding of how their organisation operates. They will achieve this by developing their knowledge and practice in the management of human resources, operations, processes, projects, and infrastructure.

Compulsory modules Credits

Students will be introduced to the key elements of the research process and research design in the social sciences to support them in the planning and development of their Work-based Project in year 3. The output is an initial exploration of their research topic and a project proposal for their final project.

Module learning outcomes

By the end of the module, it is expected that students will be able to:

To know and understand:

  • Select a suitable topic for their work-based project
  • Compose an initial critical literature review on their chosen topic
  • Evaluate and justify a research strategy suitable for their project
  • Reflect on the impact of their project for the organisation
Academic authors
Andrea t
Dr Andrea Tresidder

This module introduces core concepts in the design, management and improvement of operations and supply chains in today’s organisational context.

The module aims to develop deeper knowledge and critical understanding of the management of operations and supply chains. Students are supported to apply these skills as they scrutinise the way their organisations operate and develop evidence-based recommendations for improvement.

By the end of the module learners will be able to:

  • Analyse the contribution of operations and supply chain management to organisational performance
  • Select and apply appropriate theories, concepts and tools to design appropriate delivery systems and processes aligned to organisational requirements
  • Select and apply appropriate theories, concepts and tools to support the ongoing management of operations and supply chains, including capacity management, inventory management and resource planning and control
  • Evaluate and improve quality and performance of delivery systems and processes
  • Analyse and manage operational risk and sustainability.
Academic authors
Nigel Spinks 75e5pfiiz
Nigel Spinks

This module is the second in a series of three to support student’s personal development.

The module introduces students to leadership style and effectiveness and supports them in their development as a leader. It further engages students in the application of coaching and mentoring principles and techniques and explores the importance of emotional and social intelligence in the workplace.

Module learning outcomes

By the end of the module the student will be able to:

  • Explain the use of coaching and mentoring approaches to supporting people and developing teams
  • Examine current and pervasive leadership styles and models
  • Explain the importance of active listening and open questioning and demonstrate their uses in working with others
  • Evaluate emotional and social intelligence and their use in the workplace
Academic authors
Dorota Bourne005 Cropped 75im3cbgb
Professor Dorota Bourne

This module aims to explore the management of human resources for sustainable organisational success. The module focuses on aspects of recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance management, compensation and rewards, talent and diversity management, workforce planning, and key performance indicators applied to the HR function. Human resources and HR practices are examined in the context of organisational strategy.

Module learning outcomes:

To know and understand:

  • How to recruit, manage and develop people, using inclusive talent management approaches.
  • Explain how HR systems and processes can be used to ensure legal requirements, health and safety, and well-being needs.
  • Analyse own organisation strategy for workforce development.
  • Appreciate how to set goals to manage performance.
Academic authors
Melissa Carr
Dr Melissa Carr

This module is designed to provide the theoretical and practical grounding of project management. It introduces the concepts employed in project management at strategic, systems and operational levels and the knowledge and skills required for successful project management in organisations and for those working in and leading projects. Students will be able to apply the tools and techniques in their final work-based project in year 3.

Module learning outcomes

To know and understand:

  • Recognise how a project moves through key lifecycle stages.
  • Select and apply project methods and tools to plan a project.
  • Appreciate the need to tailor project approaches to the organisational strategy and task context.
  • Incorporate effective risk management in projects.
Academic authors
Nigel Spinks 75e5pfiiz
Nigel Spinks

This module is the second in a series of three. Professional Practice 2 further builds on Stage 1 and introduces different types of communication, problem solving and decision making to advance student’s academic and professional development.

Module learning outcomes

To know and understand:

  • Evaluate and apply problem solving and decision-making techniques.
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different types of communication and the application of these across different contexts.
  • Advance your academic skills development to meet programme aims.
Academic authors
Andrea t
Dr Andrea Tresidder

Stage 3

In Stage 3, apprentices consider how their organisation can deliver sustainable value for its stakeholders. They will be introduced to topics including ethics and governance, the challenges of the digital age, and organisational change management.

Compulsory modules:

  • Contemporary Issues: An introduction to issues relevant to contemporary organisations including sustainability, values, ethics and governance.
  • Digital Technologies and Innovation: In this module the challenges of the digital age, including continuous technological development and its impact on process, people and innovation, will be explored.
  • Personal Effectiveness 3: Leading and Managing Change: The Personal Effectiveness module will provide an introduction to organisational change management and introduce a range of tools and techniques that facilitate the change process.
  • Professional Practice 3: This module will focus on providing academic support for the work-based project and introduce influencing and negotiation styles to further enhance students’ professional development.
  • Work-based Project: The Work-based Project module will enable students to integrate their learning from the programme, to gain a better understanding of their organisation, its context and its ability to embrace change effectively.

Modules or course content marked as optional are indicative and may be subject to change. Please note, constraints in timetable scheduling may mean you are unable to take some optional modules at the same time as others.


Depending on the cohort, teaching can take place at our Whiteknights campus or locations nationwide.


Through the Henley Business School Library and the virtual learning environment, learners can access a multitude of resources including books, journals, market research reports, dissertations, working papers and company information.

Find out more about our facilities and how to find us

Why choose Henley?

For 75 years, Henley Business School has developed confident and resilient business leaders. Find out more about our approach to working with you

Ofsted Good GP Colour 200x200

Our Apprenticeship programmes are rated Good by Ofsted across all areas - quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.

To ensure that apprentices’ work and training are well co-ordinated and effective, Henley’s tutors and line managers collaborate fully with employers and apprentices.

At Henley, we offer a full portfolio of programmes from early career all the way up to board level, and it’s this broad experience that enables us to have a clear and complete vision for our apprenticeship provision.

Contact us

For more information about Henley’s apprenticeship programmes please contact

Telephone: (0)118 378 4030

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