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Henley is widely recognised for its international reach. We have exceptional talent and we know that for your business to grow effectively, you need to have the right people. As an international business school with over 87,000 alumni from 160 countries, we have a range of students looking for work opportunities. Our students are studying a variety of programmes and are looking for either entry level roles, or more senior roles.

Our students are bright, ambitious and highly proactive and we are proud to support their personal development in this way.

We like to work closely with employers to understand your recruitment requirements and company culture.

If you would like to engage with our students, there are many ways to do so. Below you will find some ways in which you can access Henley talent. The list is not exhaustive and please note that we can customise campaigns and events according to your preferences.

“As the owner of a small boutique consulting organisation I am delighted to say I have worked with three top MBA students this summer on their projects and two are continuing on to support me in my business. Henley Business School is a fantastic academic centre with top talent.”
Chris Astle, CEO, Think Forwards

Further information

Type Description
Placement Fair Held annually every October for students interested in placements/internships only. Spaces are limited and get booked up by July/August.
Corporate Presentations The best time of year runs from October through to February. Students love interactive skills seminars where they can learn more about the company culture and meet with staff.
Employer Panels Held every Monday evening in the autumn term to a targeted group of students. Ideal panellists normally include recruiters from different companies within the same sector or function e.g. City Finance or Marketing.
Guest Lectures A great way to have access to students from a specific degree programme and be seen to be contributing your thought leadership to Henley.
On Campus Interviews You can pre-select the candidates you’d like to interview and we can take care of the logistics.
Competitions/Games We are happy to promote any competitions you are running at the national, international level and also those that are specific to Henley only.
Case Studies A fantastic method of engaging student talent and awareness of your brand. Can be run as a workshop or competition.
Student Societies We work very closely with the Entrepreneurship, Business, Finance and Bright Futures societies and would be happy to make an introduction.
Office treks We can arrange student trips to visit corporate offices. Specific degree programmes or career interest groups can be targeted.
CV Books We provide these for our full time MBA students only.
Apply for jobs through MyJobsOnline Visit the University of Reading’s free job board where you can create a profile, register your company and post a job advert.
Business Leaders Twice a year we run a series of careers conferences for students to learn more about the latest trends and topical issues in industry. If you would like to be involved, please let us know.