Dr Rebecca Jones
Professor in Coaching
Director of Henley Centre for Coaching
Head of Coaching Teaching Group
- Coaching,
- Quantitative Research Methodology,
- Evidence-Based Practice,
- Learning and Development,
- Occupational Psychology
Dr Rebecca J. Jones PhD CPsychol, is a Professor in Coaching at Henley Business School.
She is the Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching, a world-leading coaching researcher and a Chartered Psychologist. Her passion lies in working with others to achieve their goals, realise their full potential and live life better. Using a coaching approach underpinned by supportive challenge and raising self-awareness, Rebecca's coaching style is underpinned by an evidence-based foundation from occupational psychology and behavioural change sciences.
Rebecca's research interests centre on examining the factors that influence coaching effectiveness and she is committed to translating research into practice. This commitment informs her coaching practice, speaking engagements and teaching, along with inspiring her writing and forming the basis of the Coaching@Henley podcast which she co-hosts. Rebecca has published her research in journals such as the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Academy of Management Learning and Education, the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and Managerial Psychology.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesHenley faculty authors:
Dr Rebecca JonesMSc CBC Stage 3: Dissertation
You will undertake a Masters level research project investigating a coaching and behavioural change topic of your choice. This provides the opportunity for a critical examination of the topic and...
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Jones, R. J., Napiersky, U., and Lyubovnikova, J. (2019). Conceptualizing the distinctiveness of team coaching. Paper presented at European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology Conference, Turin, Italy.
Jones, R. J. (2018). An Audience with Dr Rebecca Jones. Keynote speaker for EMCC internal coaches CPD event, London, UK.
Jones, R. J. (2017). Trust in the coaching relationship. Paper presented at the EMCC regional roadshow, Bristol, UK.
Jones, R. J. and Andrews, H. (2017). Understanding the Dangers of Faculty-Student Coaching. Paper presented at the Special Group in Coaching Psychology Conference, Birmingham, UK.
Jones, R. J. and Bozer, G. (2016). Does workplace coaching research need greater scientific rigour? Paper presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Newcastle, UK.
Jones, R. J. and Andrews, H. (2016). An evaluative case study of a career coaching approach to improving student placement success in a UK Business School. Paper presented at the IOBTC International Conference Teaching Society for Management Educators Annual Conference, Winchester, UK.
Jones, R. J. and Woods, S. A. (2015). Does coaching influence personality change? Paper presented at the European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Jones, R. J., and Woods, S. A. (2015). Measuring the Immeasurable: the Perceived Coaching Effectiveness Scale. Paper presented at the BPS DOP Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Jones, R. J. (2014). What’s the difference? The impact of personality differences on managing change. Practitioner workshop for Hereford and Worcester CIPD, Worcester, UK.
Jones, R. J. (2014). Workplace Heroes: Supporting staff with workplace coaching. Paper presented at The Hive Business Seminars, Worcester, UK.
Jones, R. J., Woods, S. A., and Guillaume, Y. R. F. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching at Improving Work-Based Performance and Moderators of Coaching Effectiveness. Paper presented at BPS DOP Annual Conference, Brighton, UK.
Jones, R. J., Woods, S. A., and Guillaume, Y. R. F. (2013). A Framework of Executive Coaching Outcomes and a Meta-Analysis of Executive Coaching Effectiveness. Paper presented at 4th European Coaching Psychology Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Jones R. J. (2013). Invited Speaker – Hothouse debate: is the evidence in coaching psychology really that rubbish? 4th European Coaching Psychology Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Jones, R. J. (2012). A critical evaluation of the outcome research dominating the field of executive coaching. Paper presented at 3rd European Coaching Psychology Conference, Birmingham, UK.
Jones, R. J. (2012). Bringing together Science and Practice: Executive Coaching Effectiveness & Personality. Paper presented at BPS DOP Annual Conference, Chester, UK.
Jones, R. J. (2012). The influence of the five factor model of personality, self-verification theory and referral. Poster presented at BPS DOP Annual Conference, Chester, UK.
- Coaching
- Quantitative Research Methodology
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Learning and Development
- Occupational Psychology
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